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Weird one, can anyone assist


ClioSport Club Member
  MR2,TT V6,Mini x 2
Hi all,

I plan on calling Esure about this later today but though't i'd ask on here to see what people think.

Basically, my car is insured in my name with the wife as a named driver. She had a stroke last december and only recently got her licence back. She has a full licence, but has a few additional restirction codes on the back, one for modified transmition and one for secondary controls.

In her car she has an auto box and the controls required, of course I don't have these in my car. She won't be driving my car at all, however do I need to remove her from my insurance? my concern is if I have an accident and they request copies of out licences these restrictions may cause problems.

I know I probably should just remove her, however i'm not happy paying an 'admin fee' just to take her off.

Unless she was the one driving when the accident happened then I highly dought it would matter what so ever.

Best to just call them though as you said, so you can find out for sure.

If it were me I would probably just leave it, especially if she has no intention of driving it. Then take her off come renewal time.
  MR2 Mk1.5
I'd advise letting them know straight away. If they charge a fee for this then you're with the wrong insurance company.


ClioSport Club Member
  MR2,TT V6,Mini x 2
I don't know for definate that they will charge, i'm just guessing.

Will call them later today and update my thread.
  Ford Mustang 5.0
Hi all,

I plan on calling Esure about this later today but though't i'd ask on here to see what people think.

Basically, my car is insured in my name with the wife as a named driver. She had a stroke last december and only recently got her licence back. She has a full licence, but has a few additional restirction codes on the back, one for modified transmition and one for secondary controls.

In her car she has an auto box and the controls required, of course I don't have these in my car. She won't be driving my car at all, however do I need to remove her from my insurance? my concern is if I have an accident and they request copies of out licences these restrictions may cause problems.

I know I probably should just remove her, however i'm not happy paying an 'admin fee' just to take her off.


Some of the mainstream insurers give a discount for having a female drive on the policy as well so you may find removing her could put E-sures price up. You may be able to specify that she will not drive the car at all and leave her on until renewal at which point look to get a quote for just you to drive.

It would be harsh to charge an admin fee to remove her in this situation.

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