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Weird smell coming from my car ??

  clio sport 172
hi people , may be wrong section but ..................

ok sunday was driveing about casualy about 50 to 60, as you do sat behind a v6 LOL, and got board so decided to go around it when had chance expecting him to leave me behind , but he did not do or go any where so i when flying by , and as i was picking up speed and work way up rev range and gears , mr's and i notice'ed and wired smell , she said "smels like needs to go pop and clear its self" but cnat work out what the smell is, dose this happen to any one els or any one got any idea what it could be.
  clio sport 172
Re: Wired smell ??

so could my car need replace ing then? and be time to ugrade to sports cat (sorry for spelling im slighty dislexit and most of the time just lazy with then to re sort out) lol
  A Flamin' Red one
Re: Wired smell ??

If I were you though buddy I'd get it checked out at a garage. Don't worry about taking it to Renault. A simple emissions test (as done during an MOT) should be able to tell you if it's your CAT that has gone :)
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  clio 182 black /gold
Re: Wired smell ??

Does it sound like the zorst is blowing? It could be a hole near the cat and the smell coming in to the car. More noticable when you boot it because it is working harder.
  clio sport 172
Re: Wired smell ??

thanks guys , car was or should have been warnenught i thik half way on gauge , and sort sports system on from cat , but when guy fitted he said that if there a leak it would be on that join where it bolts to cat and said did i want cat as well but did not get at that point as was thinkg of getter a 4-2-1 manifold from k-tec , but still dont know, its wirred it only smell now and then and only when you give it, lol, i see what it dose tonight and let you guys know when i get in , thansks for help so far
  clio sport 172
Re: Wired smell ??

could not seeem to get it to do it tonight and gave it a good push for 2nd up to 5th and climed in reves and speed and no smell . its wired bet wont do it for a wile now lol
  clio sport 172
god know , oh well leve it be till it smell again then try work it out lol, so i re say when and if it come back and ive investergated further ,. thanks people
  RB 182 & Lotus Evora
check there isnt a plastic bag, or oil dripped onto the exhaust. Jack it up and have a nose under neath
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
hot cats smell like rotten eggs...

not realy meow cats obviously as they just smell the same but a bit sweaty if they are hot... i assume.. ive never smelt a real hot cat
