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well its here the exhaust

erm and god knows if its gonna fit :( as erm well the tail pipe comes straight out the end so im worrying the bumper will be in the way !!!

well i have offered it upto the car and well id certainly say the back box wont go on !!! the pipe is sticking in the wrong direction !!!! its pointing up not down

Nice matey

The problem with the back box, well the back box should be pointing down a bit with that one (Or so it looks to me, and thats why the tailpipe points upward, so...... hopefully when offered up properly it should clear the bumper.

Good luck matey, youll need someone to help you fit it because doing the decat -> manifold hook up its a two man job..... or youve gotta tape some spanners in place hehe

im gonna use bubble gum not spanners they are for wusses lol oh and my teeth for tightening them up seriously tho the pictures just dont show how big the bore of the pipework is its bloody huge seems very well made tho

let me know how you get on with fitting it and if you have any probs with the deact/twin lambda issue mate as im looking into fitting a system on mine soon and benr keeps raving about supersprint
