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What have you done to your car today ???


ClioSport Club Member
I've did the same yesterday - I did a mock up in cardboard and then cut out the plastic to the shape , made it a lot easier but long winded.
Not a bad job I thought .
That does look smart. I have started with the passenger door and the rivets I have aren't long enough in places! Damn double skin doors with varying thickness of material. But it is in place, I just need to source some longer rivets and finish it.
I know what you mean about a long winded job, I made one out of card then a template out of the material to see how it would cut and fit then the one to fit to the car. I didn't want to make any mistakes
  Volvo S40
Washed it properly for the first time in a while.

Changed rear indicator bulbs for silver ones. Changed the washer jets for ones that actually hit the windscreen. Changed the tailgate gas struts to ones that actually support the weight of the tailgate. Wedged some bolts into one of my rear exhaust mounts to try and stop the back box from moving so much.

Tomorrow's jobs - polybush dogbone and fit ash modded shifter if the weather allows!
  big boost cup
Got my new manifold semi sorted


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Reactions: Gus
  BMW 320d SE
Changed the bump stop seals near the taillights today. Renault part number is 7700423111. Siliconed too for good measure. Now to wait and see if it fixes the problem, then on to drying the car out!
  Clio 172, Escort RST
When some of you see this photo you will be aware of possibly what job I did on the Clio today!:


Yup, my washer jets had packed up completely the other month! I remember a friend telling me just how much of a pain it was to change, with him giving me some great advice on the way. I also saw a guide on here thanks to @Mells . It really did save me alot of time! Despite the above things did not go to plan due to a few things:

-The wiper arms being stuck on ; The driver's arm came off with a gear puller I had but I had to buy a wiper arm removal tool for the passenger side due to it being more stubborn and less access without bonnet removal
-A washer pump connundrum. Again, I was warned about this via another member/friend with a 172 - Most listings only sell the non headlamp washer pump, which doesn't fit. Although the item from GSF after going through getting the 'correct' one obtained and fitted it did not work right. It squirted onto the front fine, but the rear? It just did the front! After going back to GSF, seeing that they had nothing that fitted another factor (Leamoco) got me the right part, again with detective work - why the wrong pump is listed is beyond me! Thank God I tested everything before the car went back together!

What I would say is that if you are doing this job on a weekend and you need the car for work the next day get the Renault item ; Yes it is £50 but at least you won't be stranded without wipers etc. It is not like removing the pump is a 5 minute job either! I was lucky today in that one motor factor near me on my doorstep had the pump in stock and that I booked a weekday off work. A mail order item would have had me being annoyed for sure! It also would have saved me a good chunk of time too.


  1.2Clio / 182!!
Finally got shot of the misfire... Turned out the injector had decided it didn't want to be part of the connector any more and as a result gave me an intermittent misfire. Plug was well seated on there, but there must have been a crack to it somewhere as it fell apart in my hand as I was taking it out to replace it!! Thanks @Trackslag172 for the part, works a treat and the car is back to full performance as it was :)
  BG Clio 182
Fitted a new genuine Renault cat fitting kit (front and rear) to my Scorpion Decat pipe. Seemed to quiet it down quite a bit and there is now not an obvious blow haha. Also fit a new MAP sensor but this one also fits in the manifold loosely, still cant figure that out.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
New calipers, new discs and pads, new turbo-back exhaust, new (sti) ecu.

Only took about 4 hours to do, not bad!

Just took it out and I can confirm it goes like stink.

Way too loud though so I'm going to fit another silencer.
  Clio 172 cup
New calipers, new discs and pads, new turbo-back exhaust, new (sti) ecu.

Only took about 4 hours to do, not bad!

Just took it out and I can confirm it goes like stink.

Way too loud though so I'm going to fit another silencer.
  Volvo XC90 & RS172
New calipers, new discs and pads, new turbo-back exhaust, new (sti) ecu.

Only took about 4 hours to do, not bad!

Just took it out and I can confirm it goes like stink.

Way too loud though so I'm going to fit another silencer.

Go some ear plugs if you want em!!! Lol
