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What have you done to your car today ???

  BG 182 FF
Drove her 90 miles, down B-roads, just gelling with it. Mate came for a drive with me in his new car that he picked up today, he put it in a field trying to keep up.

Moral of the story? Don't try and keep up with 182s :D
  Chav Rocket
Had the car weighed up for some custom shocks.
Got some of those goodyear assymetric 2 tyres on the rear.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
kicked the exhaust several times in anger as the darn thing wont stop vibrating on something

didn't sort it, so resigned myself to having to jack her up for a look see tonight when I get in from work :(
chucked a can of petrol in the cup and some oil and then gave it a quick blast and parked back up on the drive for a few more months
  renault clio 182
Got car fully serviced runs like so much better SWR done a top job but found out couple piecies that need sorted for mot in nov so had fun thrashing it home too take away that thought lol
  Iceberg 172
When to try start my 172 this morning at 6 to drive to work... But didn't start! So had to drive my mother 1.2 Clio to work, so painfully slow!


ClioSport Club Member
Booked it in for 4 tyres, bought a new back box, battery and rear pads and discs. Cleaned it aswell! MOT on Friday hopefully, should be back on the road for the first time in 6 months
Denso Plugs, Bosch Air Filter, Crank Sensor, learnt about rev limit (in another topic) so I'll do some studying tomorrow on the old piece of poo.

I drove it to the Burger Van, and took a customers car to Asda for shopping :)
  Clio 182
ktec system bud sorry

Do a video anyway, nice to know different exhaust notes, I'm currently looking for one but have a decat, so may just end up with an RS192 because I don't want it too loud. Been there and done that, had a stupidly loud exhaust before,
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Changed my oil and filter (all on my own, first time ever!!) and fitted a decat. Sounds good IMO.
^ Pearse, noticed much difference? It's on my list of things to do...

shouted because a bird shat on it... i just cleaned the thing yesterday :(
I did this yesterday. Cleaned the car. About 2 hours later a bird had literally curled one out (one of them curly poo's, rather than the usual bird splatter) on the spoiler.
Muchos rage was had. I wanted it to look clean for a bit of a photo wh0ring session later tonight too :(.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Today I've fitted brembo discs on the rear, 2 new rear tyres on the rear and been to source sounds to have a Sony HU fitted with smart leads and a facia.


ClioSport Admin
^ Pearse, noticed much difference? It's on my list of things to do...

I did this yesterday. Cleaned the car. About 2 hours later a bird had literally curled one out (one of them curly poo's, rather than the usual bird splatter) on the spoiler.
Muchos rage was had. I wanted it to look clean for a bit of a photo wh0ring session later tonight too :(.

actually lmfao!!!!! that image is brilliant.

this one hit the top of my boot and ran to the base of the boot lid in a really thin line with the solid at the bottom. havent got round to taking it off yet lol.

take pics any way? maybe s**t will be the new sheep mod? :p
  Clio 172

Its a little better thru the gears and the car generally feels a bit more "tighter" well worth it if your bushes are worn to the point where your exhaust is hitting the body..
  107 Track Car & C4
Given it a good clean. Had the wheels off and cleaned them properly and sealed them with Poorboys. Then washed (Muc-Off), Clayed (Autoglym) and waxed (Dodo Juice). Then took it for a little drive and took some photo's :)
1. Changed the spark plugs,
2. Swapped out the adjuster on my headlight as the old one was broken.
3. Cleaned and re oiled my ITG filter
