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What have you done to your car today ???

decided J9 will be getting the few parts i'v got sat at home will be fitted, removing the private plate and then going up for sale, bored of clio's now so its time to move on
Sealed up all the leaky rubber/plastic grommets in the boot area with a mastic gun, and cleaned up all the crap accumulated in the wheel well because of said leaks.
Decided yesterday lunchtime to have a play with the konigsports ride height. 7pm came and went and I was still trying to f****** unseize the rear spring adjusters. Lots of heat, wd40, oil and swearing and they were free :)
Head gaskets went about 5 mins from home thought f**k it driving it abit wont do anymore damage, got to the garage door and knock knock knock knock cut out :( doors open started back up and knock knock knock knock bang :( reversed into garage in nick of time before it locked up.

Mate come round and gave me the technical term that its fucked so started stripping it as a new project

Now Wheres that bus pass gone to lol

had my little electrical issue fixed which was the reason for me going to sell it, also fitted my 16mm spacrs on the rear, safe to say it's staying put for a while longer now lol


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Got Piper cat-back exhaust fitted, Green filter, remap, and cleaned... busy but looking and sounding good for it!
  Ph1 172 + 106 GTI
I got new wheel bolts so put them on the other day and got new plates through today. Make such a difference to the front :)


Stripped my engine, stripped the replacement engine, painted the replacement black, fitted all my ancillaries to this new engine, fitted said engine, just need to finish up tomorrow now tbh

went from:


to this:


to this:


then like this:


then ended back like this (with a couple of extra bits fitted):


then should look like this again by mid-day but with different headlights (and minus the bullets):

Wayyy you done it all in one day then spinks ;)? now to drop a 1*2 lump in it :p

yeah kinda mate, gotta re-connect the battery, fit the driveshafts, fill fluids up, and fire her up tomorrow morning :)

Yeah should have put a 172 lump in.

if only I had the money guys... :/ just needed mine running again for now...

although as a later project for the car I have been debating between a N/A 172 lump with throttle bodies, trumpets etc

or the 1.2 turbo lump from the newer clios with a larger turbo, better injectors, a re-map, large intercooler, etc

thinking that will be my project later this year when I have a full time job and a different daily tbh
  Changes to often
finally fitted my new ballast so my car no longer looks like a pirate with the light on lol, and fitted my jigsaw of a splitter back together and on lol
  182Sport + R21Turbo
Putting new engine in the 182. Currently got both engines on the floor waiting to buy new exhaust manifold as the one I bought is a 172 manifold! Rookie error. Anyone got one sitting about for sale?
