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What to do next?

  Clio MK 4
I got around £350. Currently have a full s/s exhaust and bmc induction kit. options are:

Remap from RS tuning
Bigger Brakes

Cant decide. Deep down I want the collies as i hate the height of my car. Only thing is i'm nervous about is having to avoid potholes speed bumps ect all the time and i have 17" wheels on and worried the front wheels will rub badly on the arches. Back will be fine as had these rolled.

Will it be worth remapping? Will i notice a bit of difference?

Brakes because mine are squeaking at the moment any way but its a mod that doesn't excite me as much as the other two.
  BMW F21 125d
Not bigger, just uprated front brakes. £160 ish quid will see you for Brembo Discs & Ferrodo Pads, £10 for some decent fluid. And with the change you might just be able to get an RS Tuner.
  Clio MK 4
I'd put it towards a set of H&R's or AST's.....

Or upgrade your brakes to ferodo DS2500's Brembo HC discs, and some goodridge hoses.

Can these be purchased from same place or do i have to look around?

If i was to get collies it will be the v-maxx ones.
