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Whats this called and is it important?

  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Trying to clear the scuttle drains on the drivers side and had to take off a cover for something for the suspension underneath the scuttle panel.

While removing it it snapped slightly on one of the screw holes and isn't waterproof and tight anymore, is this important?

Whats the part called should I need to order a replacement?

Its the part missing in this photo over the circular part that is the top of the shock absorber if im correct?
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Its nothing to worry about, just order another one when you can.
its perfectly driveable.

I assumed that, was more just curious if it really needed to be there or if it could just be left like that. What would it be called? Can't find it online at all really tried all the searches I can think of!

Thanks :)


ClioSport Club Member
as said its just a cover for the top mount the pic you gave is a megane 225 which does not have them.
the seals always break down on them anyway
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
as said its just a cover for the top mount the pic you gave is a megane 225 which does not have them.
the seals always break down on them anyway

Oh right it didn't seem very water tight when it broke off, so would you bother ordering a new one? Tried finding them online but can't work out what to search other than just "suspension top mount cover" etc which gives me nothing!
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Ah okay might break out the superglue and mend the clip bit that snapped off then! Or failing that, anyone know any breakers in Tunbridge wells or local?
