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What's this?

  '02 172 Cliosport
Hope this is the correct section. Picked up an '02 172 on monday, checking a few things out today and wondered what this is, it's mounted just above the battery. Excuse my noobness if it's really obvious.

  '02 172 Cliosport
Thanks for the quick replies, need to set my alarm off now to see it works, any quick easy way to do this without damaging the car ;)


ClioSport Trader
  need BRAKES? PM me
Shut all doors, lock it and throw a brick through the window

please DON'T do this! either lock yourself in as said above or put window down lock doors and reach in from outside of car and try open doors, should set it off
  '02 172 Cliosport
Shut all doors, lock it and throw a brick through the window

Where did I leave that brick, ah yeah there it is, now throw...

please DON'T do this! either lock yourself in as said above or put window down lock doors and reach in from outside of car and try open doors, should set it off

​Ah balls, I was looking forward to that ;)
