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where can i get a williams eng from

  Audi TT 225 Quattro

im after a williams engine for my 16v, tried infinicar but they havent got any. r there any other places to get 1 or should i go down the meg 2.0 route as i can get 1 of these pretty cheep. what should i do thanx for any help.
  LY 200

Ermmmm PM team think...........dont know if i took the last one they had!!!

Put an ad in the wanted section maybe...........I did and had a reply in a few days!!!
  Audi TT 225 Quattro

pm sent to j3ned and ill ring hillpower on monday fingers crossed. does anybody know where i could get it fitted i live in london so not to far and what i should look at payin , thanx again.
