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Where do I start?!

  Clio mk2

I've just bought a Mk2 Ph1 1.2, it's never had anything done to it and I want to make it look and perform better.

Any advice on where to start and what to do would be really appreciated.

Look forward to your thoughts :)
Welcome aboard matey.

The easiest way to get a better look is to put on some alloys and get it lowered a bit, e.g. Eibach Prolines or Eibach Sportlines are popular on here.

Have a search about for other topics in "ClioSport Technical" under the relevant heading, as you're in the faults section here :p. Also, you could take a look at the "Clio Media" for some pictures and inspiration.

As Addicted said, spending money on performance isn't really worth it. Replacement panel filters, induction kits and exhausts can make it sound louder if you want, but won't really add any performance unfortunately (it's hard enough trying to squeeze horses out of a Sport model).

Good luck! If you have any questions then try doing a quick search first incase someone already has the answer, but feel free to ask someone or post a topic if you're stuck!
