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Where to mount amp?

  172 Cup, Clio 197
One of the channels on my stereo has given up, so in the meantime (whilst i'm waiting on parts from america) i bought a kenwood amp from ebay. I want to mount the amp in the front behind the dash some how (its a small amp, 2 x 40wrms) so I can use the existing power wires and not have to trail wires through the car. Has anyone done this before?
  E87 118i
mount it under the pasanger seat, no issues there at all, out of sight out of mind.


i would'nt connect that direct to the dash if that's what your thinking matey could end in disaster;)
  172 Cup, Clio 197
Yeah I know it's a double post, I put the first one in spotted by mistake and thought it would get deleted.

I wasn't thinking of mounting it directly to the dash. I was thinking of sowing velcro onto the carpet behind the centre console and gluing velcro to the underneath of the amp and attaching it like that.
