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Which adapter kit?

  172 Cup, Clio 197
I wanna connect my Pioneer DEH-P6500R to the stereo control stick on my cup. I've been to the pioneer site and they quote a code (CA-R-PI.182) however thats direct from pioneer and I know that aint gonna be cheap! Has anyone bought the adapter for their pioneer? Mine has the yellow square connection in the back of the stereo. Cheers
  172 Cup, Clio 197
Yeah I think mine is from the 2003 range, I bought it used on ebay in feb 04. Still not sure if thats the one I need, all I know is that there is a yellow connector block on the back of the pioneer
  172 Cup, Clio 197
Oh arse, my stereo doesnt have the remote hard wire socket, but it does have the ir sensor. There is a kit available which comes in 2 parts, numbers are


However I cant find em and Pioneers customer support is a little slow, does anyone know where I can get these and how much they will cost?
