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Which Sat Nav to buy?

If you just want A to B navigation the Garmin Streetpilot i3 is wicked!! Just bought one myself, its a good no nonsense buy and a VERY good price at 129:99

you can download all the POI's and Fixed camera locations for it too.

Id say get one, you WON'T be dissapointed.

here are some links for you top check out on that unit... have fun
The only downside to it is that all input is done via a rollerswitch type thing. is hasnt got a touch screen.

but its still a bargain!
  Williams 2
So when u plan a journey say from Oxford to Manchester, do I have to download a map, or just type in the post codes, addresses etc?:D
  A well built VW
My local Halfrauds has a MIO one for £20 more and it looks a much better unit , my mate has one and he loves it (MiO)
  Mk2 Golf GTI
i've got the Garmin i3, it's more than good enough for most journeys and its really small. I dont mind the wheel as opposed to the touch screen, it's still easy to use and stops the screen getting greasy fingerprints all over it
  Williams 2
spirez said:
i've got the Garmin i3, it's more than good enough for most journeys and its really small. I dont mind the wheel as opposed to the touch screen, it's still easy to use and stops the screen getting greasy fingerprints all over it

Cheers peeps for help so you get a decent signal with your Garmin i3 m8?:D
  Williams 2
The Big Yin said:
My local Halfrauds has a MIO one for £20 more and it looks a much better unit , my mate has one and he loves it (MiO)

Is this a pocket pc m8....I think I used one of these yesterday and the signal was not great on it, was forever waiting for the GPS.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Yep signal is fine, takes a minute or two to find the satellite when you first turn it on but i've never lost the signal mid journey and it re-calculates routes really quickly if you take the wrong turn
MattyH16v said:
So when u plan a journey say from Oxford to Manchester, do I have to download a map, or just type in the post codes, addresses etc?:D

no map downloading nessessary, the postcode search seems to work really well, or you can just put the area, street and number in.

just updated mine as we speak, its put most ofthe football ground locations in it now, be handy for all those away days woohoo!!
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini
I've got the navman icn510i. Has the touch screen ect. You could prob pick one of these up now for under £200.

I had to buy an external ariel due to the 172's reflective windscreen, but I picked this up off ebay for a tenner.
norfolkminis said:
I've got the navman icn510i. Has the touch screen ect. You could prob pick one of these up now for under £200.

I had to buy an external ariel due to the 172's reflective windscreen, but I picked this up off ebay for a tenner.

we had one of these in our scenic it was dreadful even with ext aerial!:eek:
