Oh right mate, dont know what it could be then other than as you say PAS pump. Check your power steering fluid level. Jack you car up and spin your wheels just to make sure it isnt the wheel bearings though...
Yeah thatll be your power steering pump then mate. Check you fluid level, its on the right hand side by the battery.
I thought all PH2s had electric power steering :S
Wish they had, then I wouldn't have a greasy red engine undertray and the embarrassment of driving a car that whines like a UFO when it's cold.I thought all PH2s had electric power steering :S
Yes that's the sensor and yes it needs to be changed. It ought to be completely dry, there's no reason it would have oil on it unless the sensor leaked.
I thought all PH2s had electric power steering :S
non-sport models have electric....... sports have proper power steering
ill get my haynes manual out and see if it mentions anything in there
That switch is easy mate you wont lose much fluid and its not under pressure
Cech your Aux belt is tight could just be the belt gone slck or the tensioners not working (£80 for a new one). Easy way to tell is if the car is due an AUX belt chnagie its probably that.
I had a similiar problem on my 182 after my 36K service and Aux belt change, took it to GDI as it was doing my nut, Andy changed the fluid as it was all pink and creamy, new stuff was red and clear. Still had the noise for a while after but then the noise dissappeared.
Before it gets the chance to get worse, check the PAS pressure sensor. It's grey, under the fuel rail. Unplug it and look in the plug. Red (or pink) fluid indicates this is broken. This is very common.
The sensor bursts and the pump doesn't know it's pumping too hard. The sensor is around £45, if you change it quickly the pump may be fine.