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Wii Wireless Internet

Having problems getting the Wii to find my Router (D-Link DSL-G604T)

My N80 can automatically find it and so can the wireless laptop but the Wii cant, even tho there in the same room.

I have entered the settings manually but i get Cant Connect To the Internet message.

Anyone else had problems?

Its annoying
got it connected now, but had to put it in the same room as the Computer which isnt practical. Need to find a place near the tv that has some access. Strange as other devices are fine, and the computer is only in a room above the TV.

The wii must have a s**t range for wireless.
my wii is around 5 meters away from the wireless access point, its fine and dandy.

Interfierence from TV?
  Yaris Hybrid
My brothers Wii picks up our router and the signal has to pass through 4 brick walls because of the angle! Its about 10 metres away as the crow flies.
  987 Boxster S
Replace the wi-fi antenna on your router with a high gain one, they are less than a tenner online. I got one a while ago, now get much better signal strength and connection speed. :D
  Yaris Hybrid
Oh yeah my bro had some connection problems and apparently read on the internet that you need to go into the router options and change the channel to 11 (the default on the router was 6).

In my router options it is under SSID which is set to default and then underneath I have selected the channel as 11 and that fixed his issue.

Worth a try...
Strange really, the wifi card is on the bottom of the Wii when stood on its side. But once i got it connected i have put it back in the same place it previously was where it couldnt connect and it works fine. Finally got pro bowling status. My arm kills now tho :(

Also i changed the channel to 11. which i think helped as well
