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will a induction kit help the sound of a 54 plate 1.2?

  mk 2 172
as the title says its just i tryed to take standard filter off and it didnt sound any different. in trying to get rid of the horrible diesil like sound the 1.2 gives off.

thanks in advance
  Clio 172 Sport Ph2
as the title says its just i tryed to take standard filter off and it didnt sound any different. in trying to get rid of the horrible diesil like sound the 1.2 gives off.

thanks in advance

Please dont run the car without a filter on other wise it will start to sound even more like a diesel trust me!!! :rasp:
  2003 MR2 Roadster
The best way forward is to pour petrol over your 1.2 and throw a match in..It sounds way more sexy than induction roar..

PS-only joking..

  mk 2 172
lol nah didnt actualy move the car without airfilter thinking bout just getting a decent backbox but i dont want a great big dustbin hanging out the back bumper
