does any body know who owns the 1st williams? no.1 must be out htere somewhere?!?
M marc_cowley May 31, 2003 #1 does any body know who owns the 1st williams? no.1 must be out htere somewhere?!?
Tom ClioSport Club Member EV (s) May 31, 2003 #3 yep sadly it was maybe he forgot to convert it before driving?
paddymph 320d M Sport May 31, 2003 #8 as far as i know Willy 1 was written of by a journalist and FRank Williams has number 2 himself.
W wongy008 May 31, 2003 #9 thought willy 1 was frnk williams which was written off but willy 2 is actually at a reno showroom/ museum wongy
thought willy 1 was frnk williams which was written off but willy 2 is actually at a reno showroom/ museum wongy
G gaj16v honda accord 2.4 type s May 31, 2003 #10 I think Frank Williams owns no:2. Mike Brewer was driving no:2 on that Driven programme, and he confirmed that 1 was dead
I think Frank Williams owns no:2. Mike Brewer was driving no:2 on that Driven programme, and he confirmed that 1 was dead
Adams_16v 20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT May 31, 2003 #11 someone on RSC said he had No.2. he was asking whether or not he should mod the engine or keep it original!!!
someone on RSC said he had No.2. he was asking whether or not he should mod the engine or keep it original!!!
B badley May 31, 2003 #13 That chap from Driven was driving it (no2), look for a post about it, I have seen a video here.