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Williams on a P Plate

  320d M Sport

were they still around then?

i think P reg is 96/97?

ive searched the site, cant find anywhere where it gives this info?


There is another late registered williams 1 on a R reg Paddy, currently on the trader....
  320d M Sport

well, im thinking if i go for williams will i be able to put my Reg on it (P44DYS)? i think P reg goes to 96/97, so, as long as the car was manufactured till then im ok....... i think?
  190 BHP Willy 2

Youll only be able to get one which was registered late. AFAIK theres 2 williams on a P plate and theres a williams one on a R plate near me. Thats the one on the autotrader at the moment. Other than that your plate will be useless on a williams.

Autotrader one pal....

Its number Williams 1 0072 second to last one on the page.

Its not got much service history, as its on low milage 47k the dealer did it then it was sold and the owner did the servicing himself. Not too much of a worry as it will be obvious if its been neglected.

Its been for sale on and off for a few months now.

Williams paddy....av it !
  williams and trophy

u seen the light then mate hehe

but as far as the plate goes............apparently u can only use plates that were issued before the registration date of the no.........u wont be able to put ur plate on one unless its a p reg or later, or as yet unregistered
  190 BHP Willy 2

Thats the one by me. Looks like a nice car whenever I see it flying about. Older bloke that owns as well I think.

  320d M Sport

maybe jon ;-)

as far as i understand it your not allowed to make your car appear newer than it is, using a private reg.

So, if it was made in 96 ill be ok, so, did they still make them then? or did they finish in 95?

Well the williams one was manafactured in 93 pal....But this one wasnt registered untill late.

Williams 2s were manafactured on a 94 M or ive seen one williams 2 on a early N

Williams 3s were manafactured on a 95 N or 96 N
  7.6cc :D

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 23 November 2004

so, i think if i go for a 3 (N) then ill be right?
No you cant put your plate on an N reg.

Im glad mines a J reg plate, i could buy a right crusty banger :D
  williams and trophy

get a willy 1...............then get a new plate lol..........PAD 10Y wud do or......PAD 1S..............or PAU 1S LMAO
  320d M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by JillyB on 23 November 2004

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 23 November 2004

so, i think if i go for a 3 (N) then ill be right?
No :confused: you cant put your plate on an N reg.

Im glad mines a J reg plate, i could buy a right crusty banger :D

N = 1996

P = 1996

looks like i could be gettin shot down ere, bastid.


Er only ever seen one pal.. and that was the damaged williams 3 that infinicar had. And that was sold & no longer in the club.

Ill keep my eyes out for a 96 williams 3 but they will nearly all be on a N reg.

N & P although the same year are different ages you cant put a car on a 96 N on a 96 P plate as the car is pre august and the p would suggest post august hence making the car appear newer.

if its an aug 1996 onwards car then it will be a p reg,
if its upto aug then it will be an n reg,

some one correct me if im wrong.
  320d M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by cat171 on 23 November 2004

if its an aug 1996 onwards car then it will be a p reg,
if its upto aug then it will be an n reg,

some one correct me if im wrong.

yeah i think thats right, thats kinda what i was getting at, lol.

  williams and trophy

fuk the plate mate...............put it on retention n keep it for later or summat.....................GET A WILLIAMS

yer man, but the plate on retention & get a willy any way !!
(im lucky with my plate as the letter is at the other end-as its a suffix reg)
my plate is on retention at the min though.
