Great insight into the IT industry there. Maybe you should start a blog?Vista has been a right royal f-up as far as I can see.
My g/f works in the IT industry & the vast majority of commercial enterprises have delayed rolling out Vista (now about 2 years old) because it's so inefficient & bug-ridden.
Nobody in the industry likes it.
Microsoft tries to Apple-up Windows & guess what...? Makes a right mess of it in the process.
Ha!Great insight into the IT industry there. Maybe you should start a blog?
^^no one said you should, did they?
It's just a bit dim to expect Microsoft to build an operating system that will run on a casio watch. There were the same complaints when XP was released, now it's Vistas turn to get the flack because people want to use it (their choice) but can't be bothered to spend a few quid upgrading their 12 year old s**tbox![]()
Ms are trying to forget about vista. its all about windows 7 now. basically what vista should have been.
We've got two almost identical Toshiba laptops, one with Vista, one with XP. The XP one has been faultless since day one, starts up quickly etc. The Vista one is a hell of a lot slower and has crashed a few times, and doesn't really do anything that the XP one can't, as far as I can tell.
Work (5000 PCs across 10 sites) pretty much laughed at Vista and said it wasn't workable despite all of our machines being on a two year lifecycle, waiting for the next instalment before making a decision.
So your saying the flack vista is getting is unjustified ?
Everyone has the choice to not use it
Lol at all the Vista haters.
There is nothing wrong with Vista for home use which is probably what 95% of people will care about.
Seems people don't like change tbh. Its just like the complaints I got at work when we upgraded them from Office 2003 to 2007.
Ms are trying to forget about vista. its all about windows 7 now. basically what vista should have been.
Office 2007 is awesome. People hated it to start with, but it makes most things so much better and easier.
Ive heard that its ment to be crap and corrups doccuments. I however havent had any problems.
Yeah there is an issue where documents, for example, in word, are saved as .docx instead of the traditional .doc so when opening a .docx file in any version pre 2007 it doesn't work.
However there is a way round this, just save as .doc instead of .docx in Office 2007
We have done that at work as default to save confusion.
Surely that's the problem though, many suppliers only offer machines with Vista now, so if you are not blessed with the ability to build a PC (or if you want a Laptop) it's not exactly straightforward to obtain an XP based machine any more.
For the vast majority of the general public, Vista is the only option. My parents wanted an XP based Laptop, but in their budget and to the spec they wanted, it was pretty damn hard finding one.
I'm with Victor, I mean Munson, for once.
I'm with Victor, I mean Munson, for once.
I'll bet a small wager that most people moaning about Vista are only doing so because it's "cool" to do so. Likewise it's "trendy" to be different and big up Linux.
Personally Linux sucks for me and Vista works like a dream.
Anyway Windows 7 is less than six months away so that's something else for the doom mongers to get their teeth into.
i've not long built my pc on it i put vista on it
now personally i would of preferred to have put ubuntu on it but it doesn't play blu-rays(probably down to some sony DRM no doubt)
but now i've had it on there a while it's not that bad tbh
it is pretty quick to boot and load software but the annoying thing is when it keeps asking for me to ok software to load