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Windows XP

  BMW E46 330i Touring
Also, anyone got a guide on how to install a second internal Hard Drive!?! Want to put my old HDD with all my stuff on it onto the new PC, along with the brand spanker new one.

Cheers :)

Reason for edit: read the rules re pirated software
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  BMW E46 330i Touring
Thanks a lot Chris :)

My next query is running two hard drives... one new one that will have a new copy of XP on it, and my old one with and old version of XP, along with all the things I want to keep.

I've been told then when both hard drives are installed, it simply asks you which one you want to boot from, and then you can use the other one just like any other disc drive once Windows has loaded... is this the case?


  Polo + Micra
do you need windows on the other drive or just the stuff off it??

if it's just the stuff leave it out, do the install and whack it back in once up and running. that way you don't get the annoying dual boot screen
  BMW E46 330i Touring
It's just the stuff off it I want, so it'll be okay to install a fresh copy of Windows on the new hard drive, and then add the older hard drive afterwards, so the PC will boot up to the new windows and then access the old hard drive from there?
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
I have a legit version of windows after running copied for ages.

There is a line of code you can enter into the URL when visiting the update site and it'll bypass the Windows Genuine Advantage thing. Once that is installed on the pc though I don't think you can get past it, though I'm probably wrong. My way, you install XP pre sp1, install sp1, use the code, then it lets you install sp2 and all other updates.
  A4 Avant
Normally the computer shall boot from which ever drive is plugged into the IDE cable as primary first. (Doesn't apply too SATA)

So if you connect your new harddisk onto the primary connector off the IDE cable and then plug your existing (older) harddrive into the secondary connector of the IDE cable, your computer should boot from the new hardrive first and still allow access to the older drive!

Newer motherboards do allow for you too specify a boot sequence from within the bios, but this is dependant upon motherboard age and model!
