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Windscreen claims


I've just been running a few car insurance quote. It now appears that you have to declare windscreen replacement claims as well as any other claims.

I've had two claims, one fault one not and 2 windscreen claims (one was even on a sodding courtesy car).

On one website it wouldn't let me quote with protected NCB because that's counted as 4 claims in total.

That's just f*****g out order. How can I avoid a stone coming up and cracking my windscreen!!!

I've also just had a quote from Tesco of over £2k for a V!! I'm 30 FFS.
  LY V6 with Recaros
That's really crap, is it the same with all insurers then? I've had 2 claims for a new windscreen!


I'm currently on hold to mine to ask what the deal is, seeing as it was their website which stopped me protecting my NCB. Tesco didn't mind, but did quote £800 more!!!!!
  LY V6 with Recaros
s**t, I better check this out then, mine need renewing next month! That's really bad though, windscreen claims are harly the same as having an accident and claiming! As you say, how can you help it if a stone smashes the screen!


Good news. Windscreen claims make no difference. When doing an online quote you enter it and select it as a none fault claim. Phew.

I have just found out that a claim I had open in November has yet to be closed, which means it's counting as a fault on my part even though the third party accepteded full blame and my car was fixed without me having to pay the XS.


Phew again. It turns out I have got my full NCB still and they are disputing the other dodgy blokes claim as he reckons he had people in the car who weren't there. Scum.

Now back to those V quotes.
