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windscreen cleaning, inside and out

mine just never seems to be that clean anymore, lots of scratches inside and out :(

any ideas on getting in back to look in top condition?

due to being obsessive about it being clean (the entire car) i have, in all seriousness, thought about replacing the windscreen at some point :S



ClioSport Club Member
Could you Clay it Fella?
Then PC it like Folk do on Headlights to remove light scratches


put a crack in it and get it replaced for £50 excess through insurance lol.. u dont loose ur no claims..
yeah thought about just replacing it, woudl mean i woudl get the "purple" uv windscreen on the newer models as well!

i ahve clayed, pc'd and glass polished it numerous times before :(

naith, got brick?


ClioSport Club Member
Just deal with it Jamie..... I know any Grime is a Crime but replacing the Windscreen?

Counselling Needed? ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
..and if your using a polish on the inside, polish it before you clean the cockpit as the dust it makes is insane agaisnt a black dash surface.


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
I think it was Elite Car Car that sold it they did a a review of it on DW looked well but iv not tried it myself.
ive got some AG glass polish . . . but think ill give her a going over with some menzerna IP when she is being made ready for shows this year
menzerna IP

used SRP each time i polish her, on all windows, works a treat on rears and sides, but the front has been bashed with so many stones and grit pieces over the years, it does look a little tired :(
  1998 BMW e46 323i
i'm really tempted to put somethin thru mine cos of 96k miles worth of stones... Have almost done it a few times now!
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
Mines covered in chips and swirl marks. Probally replace it before the winter when it gets cold as it will probally crack.
  b/g 182, meg tourer
mine is the same. i have tried glass polish but it hasn't shifted it, going to give it another go at the weekend. failing that a crack is going to appear.
  Megane R26
You won't get a scratch out of glass with a compound - you need some jewellers scratch shizzle.

I asked Mr Autoglass when I spunked his resin in my hole, and he said I needed jewellers shiz. So it be fact.
have you been drinking? because that has to be one of the most random posts i have read in a while!
