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wiper arm removal


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 M135i
Soak in WD-40 for a long time and use the special penetrating stuff. I tried a wiper arm removal tool but it just broke into pieces within seconds. You have to tap them with a hammer to loosen them up and then I used a bit of wood and a big spanner to lever them off. It was horrible, took ages and a real pain the the arse. I cracked my windscreen in the process so be careful if using the levering technique!

They come off so easily now they are loosened and have plenty of copper grease on there.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 M135i
Oh also, you can wedge something behind the base of the wiper arm (I used a spanner) and hit the end of the threaded spindle (with the nut on to protect the threads) and that can seperate the arm from the spindle. Again, be very careful of the windscreen.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
There's no need to be knocking s**t out of it lol.
As said above. Give them a good soaking in wd40 first. Then get yourself one of these gear pullers from Halfords, it cost about 9 quid.
A good tip that @Darren S said and it does makes it easy to pull the arms off is to lift the actual wiper away from the windscreen. Mine had never been off before in 12 years and they came off a piece of piss. A bit of copper grease on the threads after should make them easy to take off next time.


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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
There's no need to be knocking s**t out of it lol.
As said above. Give them a good soaking in wd40 first. Then get yourself one of these gear pullers from Halfords, it cost about 9 quid.
A good tip that @Darren S said and it does makes it easy to pull the arms off is to lift the actual wiper away from the windscreen. Mine had never been off before in 12 years and they came off a piece of piss. A bit of copper grease on the threads after should make them easy to take off next time.
Yeah - they can be a bit tricky - usually the passenger side is the worst of all the connections. Though as mentioned, raising the wiper arm to begin makes it a lot easier - perhaps as it takes some tension off the spindle that the wiper itself fits onto.

Make sure the bolts and washers have a bit of grease on them during reassembly and above all - check that the wiper mechanism sits flush with the retaining lug at the rear of the bulkhead. The wipers make a fair bit of racket and don't sweep properly if the lug isn't lined up correctly.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 M135i
Yeah I used that tool above, the end of it split and bend out of shape on the first try. Maybe mine were just really bad but they needed some brute force. Hopefully yours will be easier :)
