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Wiring a sub

  Renault Clio
Hey, its my first time wiring up a sub and amp, and i thought id get some advice before I started drilling. All the wires are under the plastic through to the front, but whats the best way to get channel cables to stereo and power cables to battery.

any help would be appreciated as dont want to start then find out is easier way.

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Hi, you dont say which Clio you own. If i assume a Mk2
The conventional thinking is to take the cable through the same grommet as the bonnet pull cable goes through.

This comes out just under the fluid reservoir for the power steering system.

you can then run it through the E box to the battery.

Make sure you fuse the cable as close to the battery as possible, inside the E box is good.

Hope this helps, if not, just say which model/year car you own.
  Milltek'd 182
if its a MK2 do a quick search, there is so much on this! Brian is right, the grommet is under the glove box, put your head on the floor and look up behind it and you'l see the bonnet release going through. take the P/S bottle off and reach down behind the lining and you will be able to pull it/poke it through
  Renault Clio
yeh is the mk2 51 plate. thanks for the help. will do that tonite. i was dreading tht i mite have to drill loads of holes.

just one question, wats the e box?
  Milltek'd 182
i assume fuse box? i tried it in the evening but might be better during the day, its a bit fiddly. the amp cable i bought was pre-fused about 3 inches from the battery, dont know what yours is like...but im pretty sure i heard somewhere that the max length before the fuse is 6 inches?!
  Renault Clio
got the fusion wiring kit. fuse is seperate, so need to attach it. 6"? ok sure will remeber that. il have look for ur guide taylor. if its in the tech guides section, i cant read them. need to wait till get paid before can get my membership.
  Milltek'd 182
got the fusion wiring kit. fuse is seperate, so need to attach it. 6"? ok sure will remeber that. il have look for ur guide taylor. if its in the tech guides section, i cant read them. need to wait till get paid before can get my membership.

do it within 6 inches just to be safe, i'm not too sure if it is 6, but there is a limit to how far it can be from the batt.
good luck.

good guide that taylor, i couldnt find it when i did mine though! lol
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
yeh is the mk2 51 plate. thanks for the help. will do that tonite. i was dreading tht i mite have to drill loads of holes.

just one question, wats the e box?

Sorry, I keep forgetting to explain that term.
Its the Electrical equipment box under the bonnet.
Behind the battery on your car, it contains relays and fuses and is an ideal place to put the extra fuse for your amp as it keeps things dry. ;)
