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** Woman claiming 1 month after....

  Clio 1.2 16v
i was reversing out of a space a while ago must have got up to my drivers door then BANG... some woman had appeared from no where, a car that was waiting for me to come out had flashed and waved and shouted for me to come out.. but when i reversed going slowly.. the woman put her arm out and hit my car, fell to the floor got up and shouted abuse.. i went to give my details and she got abusive.. so i left... and spoke with the police, they spoke with her and she said she was sorry etc.. and she wouldnt take it further.. but now a call yesterday from insurance was that shes putting a claim in...
any one got any advice? im already paying.. £2600 for a 1.2 clio... checked online for renewals.. and id be expecting 7k+ if its not my fault.. or 22k if they say it is...
ive had my licence also around 5 months..
  Clio 1.2 16v
no idea, but shes said its mainly her fault! but i hope that the insurance get that bit from her otherwise im screwed!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
With the current blame culture she will no doubt of spoken to a firm that are going to get her a payout so I'd say it's probably a case of bang goes your no claims bonus.
  Clio 1.2 16v
she spoke with the police and said that she wanted no further action, but 6/7 weeks later and shes put a claim in.. there was a footpath nearby aswell but she decided that she would cut across the whole car park to get to 1 shop.. :/
It's 100% your fault.

The flashing, waving etc is moot. It doesn't count for anything. You shouldn't trust someone, you should look yourself before you move off.

She's obviously said she's fine and then A) Her back/leg/front bum has started to hurt and she wants to claim B) Someone's suggested she claims anyway and get a new kitchen/holiday.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
The current Highway Code is clear and unambiguous about the use of flashing headlights;

Rule 110 states:
'Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.'

Rule 111 adds:
'Never assume that flashing headlights is a signal inviting you to proceed. Use your own judgement and proceed carefully.'

  ITB BG 182
Never take it on some one elses word or signal that it is ok for you to do some thing, yes ok she came off the footpath to short cut across the car park but the other driver who flashed you could have wanted you to hit said person...
  Clio 182 FF
What a c**t. How can she claim a month later? Threaten to take her to court! If shes got no evidence of being hurt innocent until proven guilty! Serious worth doing that if your insurance is going to be un realistic!

On the flashing to let you out. Never trust any f**ker on the road because 95% of people can't drive for s**t. I've rear ended 2 cars because I gave them too much respect thinking that they have good judgement, luckily no damage on both occations. They say never to hesistate, i say hesistate in certain situations except for overtaking.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
What a c**t. How can she claim a month later? Threaten to take her to court! If shes got no evidence of being hurt innocent until proven guilty! Serious worth doing that if your insurance is going to be un realistic!
Take her to court for what?
For not realising at the scene she has sustained an injury?
  Bumder With A Buffer
My thumb hurts from 12 years ago when one of my boss let a door slam onto my hand.

Im going to sue him.
  Clio 182 FF
Shes obviously trying to pull a fast one. Why claim a month later? After she said she wasn't going to. I would speak to a solicitor about it at least, i'm sure she will back down if you threatnen her. f**king hate people like that "no no not going to claim" then leave it a while obviously want a bit of cash and claim! Heard of it happen far too much.

This guy I know claimed for whiplash and other so called injuries and got £10,000... He wasn't injured.

Lol I know its terrible but meh happens. Was in a rush to get to work women goes to pull out i look to see if i can go and shes slammed her brakes on. Other one was much the same lol.
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
I would go down the route of..

You were fine.

So I think you have since fallen over or had another accident and are wanting to claim on me.there is no proof any injury she has now is in any way related to your incident.

Basically, prove what she is suffering with was caused by you, not by something that has happened since!
  Clio 182 FF
My thumb hurts from 12 years ago when one of my boss let a door slam onto my hand.

Im going to sue him.

Exactly the point. It takes the piss basically what that women is doing! What else can you do tbh? Sit and take it on the chin? f**k that.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Shes obviously trying to pull a fast one.


With your superhero powers you have worked out what she is doing well done!

i'm sure she will back down if you threatnen her.

Yeah, that'll sort him out for sure, after all nothing improves your life like not just not getting no claims but also getting arrested for threatening behavior!
  ITB BG 182
Yeah right. Seriously missing the whole point. What's your advice for the guy then Batman?

If your going to be stupid and suggest he threatens her with going to court then you might aswell said that he gets her address and kicks her back doors in.

Serious advice would be for you to contact a solictor and see if you have any records from when it happened or what officers were there when it was dealt with.
You might be able to get some thing from the Police at the time.

Also accidents and injuries can be claimed for upto 18 months after, some people say 3 years but its very unlikely to happen.

Still, your at fault, you should have checked all areas of blind spots before reversing, also if you seen her put an arm out, why didnt you stop?

I was smacked by a car while walking around at work two years ago and still have the video evidence from it, just not claimed and not going too either.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Yeah right. Seriously missing the whole point. What's your advice for the guy then Batman?

My advice is that in future he should not drive into people, sadly on this occasion its too late for any advice IMHO as its out of his hands now, it will be between her and his insurance company and he'll just end up shafted at renewal time.
I cant even see the point in him getting his own solicitor as it will just cost him yet more money and wont effect the outcome I suspect.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
I've been trying to work this out, and failed.

Can you explain what heppened...?

He already has, he was coming upto a junction, they looked like they were going to go, he looked to see if anything else was coming, they stopped, he ran into the back of them.

Very common accident, although I would put it into the "is a bad driver who quite simply didnt look where he was going" category rather than the "respected other road users too much" category he is saying it apparently falls under.

Doing it twice makes you pretty "special" TBH as although its a very common accident to have, most people learn after the first time.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
It's also the sort of accident that can get you a 'driving without due care and attention' charge.

Are you sure you dont mean a "treating others with too much respect" charge?

The guy seems quite sure on that one after all.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I did that once when I was 17, except she stopped in the road after pulling away. I wasn't "treating her with too much respect" though lol muppet. Not sure how you do it twice!
If she spoke to the police then there will be an incident number given to both of you (or should have) this indicates there was a matter at some point and it will contain the nature of her matter I.E knocked down by motorist. All you can do is take it on the chin unfortunately mate. There are some c*nts in this world that claim for things they shouldn't when they clearly aren't injured (well in my case they weren't) which will boost up EVERYONE'S Premiums.

It's the world we live in
  Clio 182 FF
Haha would love to see your driving. How many accidents have you had? Must be 0 but still manage to drive like a Formula One World Champion by the way you can judge other people.

It was in the space of 2 years. Both coming up to the summer so roads suddenly turn from dead to really busy. Easy to say I'm a bad driver without actually knowing what happened properly or ever seen my driving. Would you say your a good driver then Chip?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Haha would love to see your driving. How many accidents have you had? Must be 0 but still manage to drive like a Formula One World Champion by the way you can judge other people.

It was in the space of 2 years. Both coming up to the summer so roads suddenly turn from dead to really busy. Easy to say I'm a bad driver without actually knowing what happened properly or ever seen my driving. Would you say your a good driver then Chip?

Ive got loads of bad habbits, although not ever had an at fault accident on the road (other than hitting the barrier at the nurburgring which is classed as the road) but im not taking the mickey out of you for not paying attention or being a bad driver, we've all done that sort of thing and its just a matter of luck if you get away with it or not and I still regularly dont pay attention at times Im sure. So im not saying Im a better driver than you or whatever, I dont know or care if that is the case.
What I was taking the mickey out of you for was instead of saying "I wasnt looking where I was driving" you said that the cause of your accidents was being too respectful, and it just wasnt, it was just you being a bad driver, and then doing so again even after the first accident.
  Clio 182 FF
Thats arguable as I was paying attention to the other car.

Yes because something like that instantly makes you a bad driver. Didn't realise you were such a perfect driver! Never make mistakes?

Why are you getting on your high horse about it then? I was only saying what I would do if someone did that to me. There was no need to start attacking my posts.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Thats arguable as I was paying attention to the other car.

You werent paying attention to where you were driving, you made the assumption that cause a car looked like it was going to pull away that it meant it was going to carry on doing so and you didnt need to look again so could pull out whilst staring intently right.

Yes because something like that instantly makes you a bad driver.
Yes it does, very bad, if you need to look to the side, you should still continually glance back to the direction you are heading as well, not just stare for a couple of seconds solid off to the right whilst driving forward.

Didn't realise you were such a perfect driver! Never make mistakes?
Where have I claimed to be a perfect driver?

I can spot that you keep making a schoolboy error of not looking where you are going, and worse still you try and blame others for what you are doing wrong but that doesnt mean I am claiming to be a perfect driver, Im not and wouldnt ever say otherwise..
