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Xbox 360 Help

  Audi A4 1.8T Sport
i've got a Arcade, but bought a 80 or 60 gb drive off a mate. used 20gb installing games. got about 5 or 6 installed.

Forza definatly needs installing, takes forever to load otherwise.
  1.8 Civic EX
don't get the 20gb

thats all I have. Installed one game to hard drive (Guitar Hero World Tour as the disc is scratched) leaves me with about 4gb free...

I'm going to be buying a bigger one when forza 3 comes out as it's potentially on two discs and the second disc needs to be installed to get the most out of the game from what I've read.
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
You will eventually need the 120gb one though if you want to install/downloads games + demos. Also heard that Microsoft might be launching a 500gb hard drive towards the end of the year as well - whether there's any truth in that though remains to be seen?!.
