FLOL, cardigan and shorts is genius, so far you're winning the gay off.
What's the second picture about, you thinking about fisting a rent boy or something?
I got given this car last week (knackered waterpump/headgasket)
I have literally never seen you wishout some sort of hat on and a fag
Off the top of my head still no Ad (vx220), Fagan (VX and S2k), Jickolas (z4), Tyler.(vx220), Laura (zed & 5), Sam@btm (handbag spec 911), DK (baller spec SLgay - is that even a cab?) and countless MX5 and Z4 owners. Poor show!!
Pics of you to make it even camper?
I'm still surprised that you don't have some fag mobile.
You have seen what I drive, right?
You have seen what I drive, right?