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Z320i or S500i (or what!)

  R.I.P 182
Im lost!!! Im looking for a new phone with contract, i like the look of both of these, S500is good as it has external memory card i can pop in it, and looks like my E720 (which i loooove), but the Z320i has video calling which would be cool, i dunno what to go for!!

Or any other phone?

Im not bothered about Mp3 player, i got my ipod for that, video calling would be cool, i love my samsungs, but need that memory card space too.. lol..

any suggestions?!
  Not a Clio
how many people do you know that have a video calling capable phone? Nice feature to have but not much good if you can't actually use it ;)
  R.I.P 182
Lol, i guess but i can video call my sister who when she's at work embalming people.. niiiiiiice!!

Just called Orange they said if i wait till 19th Feb for 9 months upgrade time (im on premier thingy??) Theyll offer me a good deal and probably match o2s offer..

I dunno what to do lol, i love orange, wicked customer service, whereas o2s are parp!
  R.I.P 182
Well ive just done it now lol :(

Got 2 new contracts, one is 18 month, £35 per month with 750 anytime mins and 750 txts, the other is £25 per month, 30 day rolling contract (so can cancel anytime), with 1000 off peak mins free (7pm - 7am and weekends) and 1000 free txts..


Got a nice Samsung Z320i coming with imode, 3G an stuff so looks pretty cool!!! now - to sell 6230i, e720, e800, 7610, D500 and k700i!! lol!!
  R.I.P 182
Its a wicked phone, got soooo much memory and so many memories and vids of me an my mates lol.. Buy mine if you want ;)
