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Matt W's Ultra Red 200

  Defender 110
Because its already a cup packed suspension, and no one really says 'improved handling' its all about just lowering the height.
  Defender 110
Some mention that lowering springs are softer than the cup springs, depending what you buy.

standard is better IMO, unless getting proper upgrade suspension.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8

New Sprint Spoiler by mattwillcox, on Flickr


New Sprint Spoiler by mattwillcox, on Flickr
  Fiesta ST200
Just get H&R springs and it will finish it off mate!

Having had both a 200 with H&R and spacers as well as my current UR with only H&R springs, don't bother with the spacers, looks better without!


Looks perfect mate!


ClioSport Club Member
Looks awesome, but IMO they look totally lost without spacers. Like the body is way too big for the chassis. Springs without spacers exaggerates it! Lol.

Look at a X85 Cup car. Oh, they run spacers by the way. >.<

Having lived with mine on 25mm H&R's and 25mm H&R spacers for six months, there's zero down sides. The ride is more fidgety around town and it tramlines slightly more, but that really is it.

Hardly a car-ruining trait. A tiny sacrifice for a what you get back in looks.


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Hugely exciting update:

Lost a center cap :(


Thanks to adam at wolverhampton renault for sorting me out with a new one!


Just got to 10k miles too. Loved every mile!
Unfortunately after 10k, one 'ring trip and one llandow day, two front tyres are needed. Back to the Nurburgring in September :)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Managed to get 11.5k from the front tyres. Not too bad considering that includes 5 'ring laps and a day at Llandow. Ordered Bridgestone RE050A's and had them fitted today.


They are the tyres that renault used on the megane trophy for the fwd record at the 'ring so must be ok :)
Booked in for first service and 'ring trip in 27 days :)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Haven't updated since last year.

The Bridgestones are very good, better ride quality than the continentals and better grip too.

Last years 'ring trip was very good, hired an Exige from RSR for a road tour, but was glad to be back in the clio after


Clio outside RSR by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Getting better on fuel now with 15k on it and not using any oil.

Also had a little CS/pistonheads driving meet last year, was good fun :)


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Time for a little update. Had it for two years now, the longest i've ever kept a car being my 172 cup for 18 months, so obviously quite like the 200!

Had another 'ring trip at the start of october, epic as per usual!

Here it is parked up in Adenau:


Then went along to the welsh meet a coupe of weeks back


Up to 23,000 miles now and only had to replace two tyres and a missing centre cap. Good car :)


Nice car. I personally think those spoilers are a bit gay and its cup racer spoiler all the way. But eachto their own! Does the 200 steering wheel fit a 172?
I just think it makes the 197/200 actually look likean RS Clio without one they sort of look like normal Clios (especially the 197)
