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Matt W's Ultra Red 200

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Having had the car for 5 months now I thought it was time to start one of these!

Following on from my MX-5 which I very much enjoyed and miss a bit:


Sugarloaf MX-5 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

I finished my apprenticeship and decided to get what i've wanted since I first saw one, a clio 200.

Having gone into Renault to spec one, the salesman put it all through the system only to tell me that they had stopped taking orders! Nooo!

Luckily after much searching there was an Ultra red one with speedlines waiting at the docks in France! I had to have it, but only with the optional Recaro seats. To get around this, the dealer ordered my red one and a white one with recaros, swapping the recaros over into my car when they both arrived at the dealership.

The day I picked it up:







Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
After the drive home on a nice sunny day I was in love with it.

Had a week to get used to it before chucking it on a ferry. This could only mean one thing... Nurburgring trip!



Had a fantastic time and was blown away with the performance on the 'ring.

Got back and gave it a good clean:


Recaro chairs by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Interior by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Renaultsport Clio 200 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Then took it for several fun drives :)


Clio 200 in the mountains by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Clio 200 in the mountains by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Clio 200 in the mountains by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Ditched the GB plates for some nice plain ones:


Clio 200 AF Tripple by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Clio 200 AF Tripple by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Clio 200 A4069 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Then winter came (and is still here :()


Untitled by mattwillcox, on Flickr


Untitled by mattwillcox, on Flickr

200 vs Cup by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Booked onto the Burpspeed Llandow day so decided to service it just to be safe even though servicing is included.



Added some stickers:



Then had fun at a very wet llandow



I then received my footrest :)


And fitted with Renaultsport mats added:


Couple of extra photos:


200 vs Cup by mattwillcox, on Flickr


200 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

So my opinion of it?

Love it. Properly good car. Can't think of anything I would replace it with unless spending at least double the cost.

I've booked another 'ring trip with it for this year, and i'm looking forward to the coming years with my clio! :D


Clio 200 A4069 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Well there's only one on the passenger side, so I don't really see it ;)

Also, ordered a KTEC Sprint spoiler, being supplied by Sprayshack. There's a 4ish week wait, but i'm looking forward to it!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Looking good! I saw this at Llandow last week, and thought how nice it looked in Red :)


ClioSport Club Member
A great looking car, Matt. And about time you started a thread about it... :D It was good to see you and the Ultra having fun around Llandow last week, too.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
It really was epic. Didn't quite understand all the fuss about them until getting it on track and the Nurburgring and then at Llandow.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Me and my mate noticed the nurburgring sticker on the rear and thought FairPlay for going there so soon in a new car! I want to go so much
  Defender 110
Car looks lovely!

not a fan of all the stickers on the car though, cheapens it a little. Less is more. Especially the pizza one on the seat.

Other than that, lovely! UR looks good!

when are you going to the ring?
  2004 Clio RS 182
Lovely car mate, love 200's in red.

Recaros definitely make a difference to the looks of the interior IMO.
  GTD, Lupo
Love it Matt. if i had a choice of colour i would have gone for UR. I like the footrest, how is it fixed into place?

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Anyone who mentions spacers will be abused. It's a hot hatch, not a rusty p reg corsa!
  E92 325D
Set of KW V3s here Matt? Im so on the fence with selling mine its unreal. I hate every mile driven in it.

Yours looks mega though!

And im all for ring laps in a brand new car haha :drunk:


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Anyone who mentions spacers will be abused. It's a hot hatch, not a rusty p reg corsa!

Lol! Word.

Looked lovely at Llandow the other day mate, I would've come said hello if I saw you by the car, as I have no idea what you look like, lol.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Luke, didn't know who you were either! Will make an effort to find you next time to have a look in the fiat.

Removed the sticker after much deliberation:

  Clio Van 07
Love the car too!

IMO there isn't much you can do, this is actually a sport stock car on its best (& that includes the red painting, excellent choice)!

Better than this and i think you are trying to get in the 24 hours of Le Manns Race...

Just take good care of him now.


Matt this Is f**king stunning!! Your defiantly taking me for a ride in it up black mountains :).
  Renault Clio mk2 1.2
I saw this car today at chillfactore when i were working, whilst having a cig. Love this car also a ph1 Clio were there too. Both gorgeous cars man.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Little update, just picked up these from Craig:


Finally got a wheel trim!


and this from sprayshack. Top work!

