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New Key Procedure?

  Ph2 Clio 172

I am getting a new key fob and key cut and just wondering if the procedure below would register the new one with immobiliser etc? Car is Phase 2 172 '03 plate. My apologies if in the wrong section.

1. Turn Ignition OFF.
2. Press the central door locking button in the car for more than 5 seconds.
Note :the door should lock then unlock.
3. When this happens, 10 seconds is allowed for the rest of the procedure and the immobiliser warning light should illuminate – not flash, illuminate.
4. Point the 1st key at the receiver and press the button twice, the doors should then lock and unlock. Repeat this for other remotes as required.
5. Check that the remote control unlocks and locks the doors.

Have tried searching and found something similar, but not a definite answer.



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
No . If you do a search it's been talked about umpteen times . You'll need to go to a dealership i'm afraid and part with alot of cash to have it programmed .
  Ph2 Clio 172
I did do a search as I said in my post. Thanks for the reply though...looks like I'll have to stick with just one key then ;)
  Ph2 Clio 172
Helps if you actually do a proper look at the search results :eek: Have found loads about it now, sorry to have bothered you :)
Your first post is correct to re-sync a key but not program it. Stealer jobby im afraid.

Let me know how much you get quoted as i need a second key soon i think


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Helps if you actually do a proper look at the search results :eek: Have found loads about it now, sorry to have bothered you :)

That's ok , you didn't bother me . I wasn't being funny when i said do a search . Just that it's been asked so many times , always with the same answer for a " new key fob " . It's a dealership job . Iirc , it used to be somewhere in the region of £160 or thereabouts :eek:
  Ph2 Clio 172
Thanks Mike...bit far to travel to get the key programmed though ;). Person I spoke to at local Renault stealers didn't have a clue so will be calling me back! I find that slightly worrying :eek:
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ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Thanks Mike...bit far to travel to get the key programmed though ;). Person I spoke to at local Renault stealers didn't have a clue so will be calling me back! I find that slightly worrying :eek:

I bet you all the tea in china a main dealer wont code a key you've not bought from them- I may be wrong.

A specialist will though.

The link is a good one.
  Ph2 Clio 172
A very deep wallet! Just got a call back. No they won't program one they don't supply. Plip is £86 + VAT, Blade is £17 + VAT - all including programming is £205.92 :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Do you need a piece of kit to program the key or can it be done with just clip?


  Z4, VW172, R26
As far as I know they have a chip that can be cloned on a machine.. Nothing too high tech. . Might look into buying one ;)
  Volvo S60 T5
you need the immobiliser code from Renault for your car and a clip machine, the plips in the link work fine have done around 10 of them since a customer of mine pointed them out saves people a fortune.


ClioSport Club Member
You need proff the car is yours and i.d.
yes and clip only. that dealer is taking the pee
we will code a key got anywhere.
