So, me and my other half came back from NYC on Monday and I had some money left over that I'd put aside for spends in the bank. Turns out, you can get quite a lot with £350....:smile: missus wasn't best pleased, mind!

I pity the DPD man as well, having to lug all that lot down the steps to my front door!
Could start a business with that lot :smile: I work for Domino's - so I'm in and out of the car 2-300 times a week, trekking through grass and mud that then gets stuck to my boots and then obviously back into the car. I've just had it done by a mobile valet service (and a decent job they did) but for £25 every 4 weeks which is what I reckon I'd need it doing or I'd be driving a stale pizza stinking biohazard, I'd soon be losing money over doing it myself. Fair enough, it means I need to do it myself but it's worth saving £300 a year. Now I've got all the expensive stuff (vac, microfibres, buckets etc) it shouldn't be too expensive.
Trust me, working for Domino's isn't fun when you're sick of the sight/smell of pizza. Loads of people think it's a boss job - and while there are perks (50% staff discount! CS party anyone?

) there are a lot of downsides, like having a grim car.