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Your 2015 Game of the Year


ClioSport Club Member
Continuing the theme from @Scutch's 2014 GotY thread...

What has been your Game(s) of the Year 2015? :)

I've enjoyed a fair few games this year but there are three that really stand out for me:
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One)
  • Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One)
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)

I thoroughly enjoyed them all and pumped hours into Witcher 3 (and I still am). But the winner for me would be...

Ori and the Blind Forest. I was blown away by it and played it through to completion many, many times. The artwork, the direction, the soundtrack and the old-skool f**king annoying difficulty make it my number 1.


ClioSport Club Member
Forza Motorsport 6 for me.

Halo 5 is good fun too although needs more maps for some game modes imo.


ClioSport Club Member
I've poured a ridiculous amount of hours into Destiny this year, so probably that (although the base game didn't come out this year)
Aside from that, Cities: Skylines


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Tbh ive not played that many. Tend to have stuck to bf4 or alike.

My game of the year is Fallout 4. For the type of game it is it's amazing.
  172 cup clio v6 st
Fallout 4 due to the hours of gameplay it offers,and amount of choice for the player.
  R5gtt, 182, volvo...
I only play one game.

Was AW and is now Black ops 3..

I have 28,000kills and a play time of 8 days and 8 hours on Advanced Warefare over a year..

I have 17,500kills and almost 5 days play time on black ops 3 already.. And that includes a 2-3week account ban. I think it's safe to say that despite my moaning I must like it a lot..


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
Best game of the year for me is Batman Arkham Knight.
Worst game Need for Speed

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I've just had to have a look at my trophy collection on the PS to see what games I've played this year as none are that memorable.

Best: Probably Batman but the Riddler fucked me off having to find his 250 odd trophies to be able to finish the game properly, which I didn't bother with. Other than that, I thought it was a good game.

Worse: For me, Dying Light. Just couldn't get on with it at all.

There have also been plenty of s**t games free with PS+ that I had although OlliOlli2 was probably the best out of them. Put some hours into that.
LIMBO was brilliant, played that on the phone first.
Arkham Knight for me. Not usually a COD fan but enjoyed Black Ops 3. FIFA is good but also mildly irritating. Seem to have a love/hate relationship with it.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Dirt Rally.

b*****d PC gamers!

To be honest I've not enjoyed anything this year. Bought a PS4 back in the summer and have Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Need for Speed and Battlefield and tbh they're all pretty crap.

I know I need to pick up MGS and Fallout at some point... but I'm so slow at playing games that I don't want to get stuck into something and then Uncharted comes out!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
b*****d PC gamers!

To be honest I've not enjoyed anything this year. Bought a PS4 back in the summer and have Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Need for Speed and Battlefield and tbh they're all pretty crap.

I know I need to pick up MGS and Fallout at some point... but I'm so slow at playing games that I don't want to get stuck into something and then Uncharted comes out!
It's been put back again apparently!

It'll probably be my game of 2017!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Yeah it's been put back to April... but I thought it was April anyway for some reason! So, didn't really affect me reading about that lol.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Just Cause 3 could potentially be my game of the year. Properly loving causing utter chaos with the grapple.

MGSV is also pretty special!


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
b*****d PC gamers!


Was going to say Project Cars but now I'm torn

Project cars is the best sim but the sensation of peril as you boot it through the forest is not bad either!

I can't decide so I'll vote Football Manager 2016 :cool:

I think Dirt Rally would be the biggest thing in simulation if it weren't for the collision physics.


ClioSport Club Member
Was going to say Project Cars but now I'm torn

Project cars is the best sim but the sensation of peril as you boot it through the forest is not bad either!

I can't decide so I'll vote Football Manager 2016 :cool:

I nearly said Project Cars was my worst had it not been for putting a lot of time enjoying it. Sadly on the xbox the game just became too tedious to play because it has been turned into a broken mess after all these patches. I feel Project Cars is a massive 'could've been'.
For years now (8 according to my gamertag) xbox has kinda ruined games for me.

All I ever want is fxcking "Achievement Unlocked!" Gamerscore! Finally hit 100K+ this year and need to re-evaluate my life. (I'm only 24)

Long gone were the days of my youth loving games for what they were. Games. Story driven, fun etc.

But for the first time in a long long time I've forgotten all about achievements and really put some man hours into..

Fallout 4.

Really enjoyed that game for what it was. The story was not the best but everything else, s**t I HATE doing like side quest bullsh#t stuff, I actually found myself doing and enjoy doing it.

Online game is torn between minecraft or GTAV. When teamed up with your mates they are both a hell of a laugh.

But fallout wins this one for me. And I hated the other fallouts haha.
  RS Clio 182
Top 3 of 2015 :

Project Cars
PES 2016

Project Cars is best racing game ive played,it couldve been near perfect had it not had the glitches it launched with,but the patches have mainly sorted all that out. It just needs that custom championship option. MGS V is simply one of the best games ive ever played - in fact both that and PCars would probably be in my top 5 of all time,what a great year this was. PES just keeps getting better and blew FIFA out of the water in gameplay terms this time.


ClioSport Club Member
1. Witcher 3
2. Bloodborne
3. Fallout 4

Real close between Witcher and Bloodborne, gave it to Witcher because there's more content and it's probably the best RPG ever, but Bloodborne has possibly the most interesting world design and best combat dynamic of any game ever.
Fallout 4 was pretty much what I expected.
Witcher 3 was so much better than I expected.
Cities Skylines was much worse than I expected.
So I'll go with Witcher 3.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Tricky one for me. I'm tempted to say CoH2 - but technically that's not a 2015 game. While the original release was turd, the add-ons, fixes and DLCs have really turned it around.

Failing that - Warframe. I've put over 320 hours into that and even had a quick round just yesterday. To say its free, its very good - but again, it's not strictly a 2015. The two mentioned here are the ones that I've put most time into, in 2015.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I haven't really played that many games this year sadly - think Halo 5 was the only new one i've bought but i've enjoyed the PVP a lot. Breakout is awesome.
I've spent most of my time in Destiny - although feel like this is seriously losing momentum.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
Rise of the tomb raider or Arkham Knight for me, although I completed tomb raider within 3 days.
