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The 'Where's my old Clio' Thread.

  197was/second 182is
Nice thread... Any one with blue 197 bl56zpr or black 182 cx54svc?

Btw does anyone got cheap 182 for sale? Maybe with category d or something?


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Naples red clio 16v M970LAA
Iceberg clio ph1 172 Y854NHL
Or who owned previously my current car
Any one with - 1991 Ph1 Valver J179 CVG, 2000 Sunflower Yellow 172 X367 AAY?

Edit: Looks like the Sunflower now belongs to Clio_Stu and is W5 TUU
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  182, SQ7, Trafic
Haha! I thought it was very familiar! Yea it died on the way home due to oil starvation, cheers!

I sold it minus the turbines with an engine to go in it.
Haha! I thought it was very familiar! Yea it died on the way home due to oil starvation, cheers!

I sold it minus the turbines with an engine to go in it.

I genuinely have no idea why! That was used as a daily driver up to the week before I sold it. I do feel bad.
  Clio 172, Abarth 500
Jumping on this thread, did an one own a BG 172 RN02 FKM ?
The guy I brought it off had it for a short term (like less than a year but spent £2k on it though). The previous owner before that had it for years but theres a ice scraper and bag for lock wheel nut thingy. So must have been a member.
HK02JZU anybody had this car before me


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Anyone know where about's this is? I sold it to a lad down in Eastbourne.
BT53 KTC, Im fairly certain it was stripped of its good bits and put back to standard 😧
I've got this now Nick.

I work out the country most of the year so it lives a reasonably pampered life now. It's polybushed with cooksport springs. Mostly back to standard elsewhere. It's well looked after though. I replaced the OEM suspension, engine mounts and various other bits over the past year or so. Belts being done in August when I'm back in the UK. Can't see me selling in the future, it's just too much fun!

Search for my username on pistonheads if you want to see a readers thread on it.
I've got this now Nick.

I work out the country most of the year so it lives a reasonably pampered life now. It's polybushed with cooksport springs. Mostly back to standard elsewhere. It's well looked after though. I replaced the OEM suspension, engine mounts and various other bits over the past year or so. Belts being done in August when I'm back in the UK. Can't see me selling in the future, it's just too much fun!

Search for my username on pistonheads if you want to see a readers thread on it.
Awesome! Glad its still about and not rotting away in someones shed or smashed up. If you ever do think of selling it, Let me know please :D
Ill have a search!
  Cio 172 Cup,Porsche
Anyone on here owned Mondial 172 Cup SH03HMC in the past.?It was on a private plate
earlier in its life. I bought it in Scotland about 2 years ago.
  RenaultSport Clio 182
Im searching for my old 182 LF05 VAM , sold in 2011 to a dealer then saw it for sale on ebay couple of years after and informed the new owner of some stuff he didn't know , does any one know anyone with it???
  megane r26, 172 cup
As above guys. Just wondering where she is. On the DVLA it says it's sorn. Just wondering where the old girl is.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Im searching for my old 182 LF05 VAM , sold in 2011 to a dealer then saw it for sale on ebay couple of years after and informed the new owner of some stuff he didn't know , does any one know anyone with it???
I'm 99% sure I've owned this car at some point...

*goes to check photobucket....*
  182 Inferno
I did a MOT check online to see if my old cars are on the road... Apparently they are!
My Clios regs, 1.4 YG54 VGA and
1.6 KV05 XTT, anyone recognise?
Anyone got my written off 182 too? MK53 KZW, it was sold on for parts...

My currently reg is FJ54 YFR is anyone is looking?!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Im searching for my old 182 LF05 VAM , sold in 2011 to a dealer then saw it for sale on ebay couple of years after and informed the new owner of some stuff he didn't know , does any one know anyone with it???
BOOM! Yes, I did own it.

I sold it to a mate who blew it up. I told him the belts were 2 years overdue and the dephaser was rattling it's tits off, but he knew best....
It's now at another mates garage with no engine in it.

I'll get a pic next time I'm there.
  '20 Zoe, '09 V70
Wonder where my old 1.2 is - it's showing as not insured and SORN, but it's MOT is good until November 2016. Reg is PJ53 CFG. Sold it in Bolton when I upgraded to my Laguna Mk3.


Here it is getting the full @Knuckles treatment!

Out of interest, I wonder where the Laguna is as well - reg is DU61BHK, again showing as not insured but untaxed with no SORN, so somebody is getting a fine! Traded it in in the Warrington area when I bought the Twingo.


(Again, after @Knuckles working his magic! and I crashed it into his fence)

I miss the Clio. It was a proper turd but it was my first car. Cost a fortune to tax and insure as well!
Out of interest, I wonder where the Laguna is as well - reg is DU61BHK, again showing as not insured but untaxed with no SORN, so somebody is getting a fine! Traded it in in the Warrington area when I bought the Twingo.

With it not showing as sorn or tax then it is probably in the trade at the moment.

Any owners of my car still frequenting here?
Iceberg silver Ph2 172 - HV02 KSO - Had a sticker in the window when I bought it.


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm sure it was a members car. Was HPI clear and was written a recipt in full stating it was a good straight car....then stumbled across a thread on here days after buying and joining finding it had been crash on track. Asked for my cash back as I was legally entitled to it due to false sale details and false advertisement, got told to jog on. Who ever it belonged to was a collosal c**k either way.
  RenaultSport Clio 182
BOOM! Yes, I did own it.

I sold it to a mate who blew it up. I told him the belts were 2 years overdue and the dephaser was rattling it's tits off, but he knew best....
It's now at another mates garage with no engine in it.

I'll get a pic next time I'm there.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! oh im really gutted now :( I was hoping to buy it back (I could cry)
  05 182 clio.ktm duke
Iceberg silver 172 RO02WRK
Black gold 182 LV55JYO
Both bought new by me. Kept 172 for 2 years, then traded it in for a new Subaru Impreza STI type uk, which I kept for 18 months. Missed the Clio, so I sold the Subaru and bought a new 182. Kept that for nearly 6 years.
