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Another standard arctic blue 182 story...


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Hi all. I have now owned my Arctic blue 182 for exactly a year, and fancy summarizing my year of ownership (relatively) in depth to document it somewhere!
So having searched long and hard for a good quality, honest used 182 (following 3 years with a mk2ph2 1.2) I found this example in a dealer in Fordingbridge. Up for sale at around £3400 on 63,417 miles with one previous owner, and full main dealership service history. It was these factors, and the overall condition of the car that lead to my purchase.
Needless to say I was over the moon, £1000 insurance paid, £280 tax done. Did the hour and a bit drive home and was loving it, popped into the local to grab some bread and milk, in the time i was inside, someone had swung their door into the passenger side, leaving a dent, and a bit of paint scraped off of the door handle. checked CCTV and couldn't read the plate! never been back there since! sort of tainted the 'new car' feeling, still, what can you do!

Had an awesome month in my new pride and joy but by the time February came around, I had a squealing aux belt, turns out the air con compressor was shot. paid a local specialist to sort this out, they sourced a brand new comp, as well as fitting AUX belt etc (*comp about 5 times more expensive than a used one on here) and charged a lot in labour, I was feeling a bit sore at this point as i'd also paid up for two new pirelli Pzero's.
As it stood at that time;


So for three months, the car was absolutely perfect, besides fitting a bluetooth radio, I did nothing to it, just enjoyed driving it to work and out at the weekends!
Like most people on here, I look for excuses to tinker, so having spotted a sheared front spring, I switched all four out for the eibach sportline springs. At the same time, for a slightly related reason (take a guess), I changed the gearbox oil out for new millers synth trx oil, and replaced the plug/washer with a new one from Renault.
following the new springs, I had the tracking etc set up accordingly, as well as having the wheels refurbed in a slightly darker anthracite, in time for FCS 2016.
New springs going on, on and me at FCS 2016;



So, from May right through until August, I had trouble free motoring! enjoying my little blue motor in the sunshine, anywhere I could. It ran beautifully on a 5 hour trip to Newquay as well as many more slightly shorter journeys! I carried out minor cosmetic changes in this time, such as a new gearstick insert, new plates (standard size), non-sticky interior door grabs, coloured silver (same as the PH1 172s) and a full detail (machine polish, bay tidy, battery cover, fuse box colour change etc).
Few assorted 'summer photos';




At around 71,000 miles, I had the 72k service done at Rentech Portsmouth, plus two new CV boots. to cost of 330 quid, this was because the cambelt had already been done (main dealer) at 57k. Following this, I replaced the centre silencer as the baffles had gone.

As autumn crept in in September, I had my first little light on the dash, after a local specialist ran diagnostics and cleared the light, i replaced the pre-cat lambda with a new bosch replacement, this of course fixed this incredibly common fault.

Into October now and I decided to replace discs and pads for OEM brembo HC discs and pads, as well as replacing my thumb grips, maybe 2017 i'll stump for a full re-trim! went in for an MOT in November and flew through with no advisories, in at 9, out by ten. As a treat for such a success, I got that pesky 'first day' dent removed, and replaced the marked door handle with another pristine arctic blue handle from a breaker.
Thumb grips, rooflection and lack of dent;



Since then my little blue car has done a New Years trip to St Ives and back, racking up 11 hours on the road over a weekend, as well as its usual commutes to crawley and tonbridge. Now on 76k and looking forward to another year with my pride and joy, having shelled out 800 on insurance, its getting cheaper! (for reference that's at 22 with 4 years no claims).
thanks if you bothered to read all that, turns out a lot can happen in a year! at least i have a thread to dump my updates in now!


Me+cup at goodwood hot hatch Sunday
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I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Really really nice! Cars a real credit to you and the genuine cup splitters just finish these off perfectly. They do look better than the fabia ones by far. Any more plans or just driving again? Look forward to updates.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Really really nice! Cars a real credit to you and the genuine cup splitters just finish these off perfectly. They do look better than the fabia ones by far. Any more plans or just driving again? Look forward to updates.
Thanks for such positive stuff![emoji5] plans mostly involve putting my money away into a 'just in case' fund, though I kind've fancy a new clutch at the end of 2017, and if cash allows maybe a milltek... the current exhaust was fitted by Renault a few years ago and isn't anything special! Beyond that, I'll just replace oem for oem and keep it clean as possible! Oh and new mats, I'd really like new mats haha
  172 cup clio v6 st
Thanks! [emoji5] and you're bang on, already know what I want! leather, perf leather thumb grips and a silver band.
Do it best mod imo,makes the whole driving experience better.Also got those mats above and prefer them to the silver lining on the sport mats.
Great write up and the car is of course in the best colour......... from one Arctic owner to another :smile:

Looks a cracking example with some nice little additions here and there. If you want some ideas on what to possibly do next, have a look at my 'progress' thread in this section too :up:


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Smaller wheel imo. The standard one does the driving experience no favours
I'd love a smaller wheel for the feel, but I genuinely like the look of the original wheel in there (once refurbed), plus having an airbag [emoji95]Haha


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
First tiny update to this thread,
My boot has not been locking recently, common problem on all clios. So I bought a 'new' boot lock motor/solenoid from a breakers;

I think the specific component that goes is the little motor inside, burns out eventually... can just see it in this photo with the little copper coloured cog on the end:

I also use a trolley jack or scissor jack when taking the car up, to prevent damage to sills I've just invested in these little hard rubber jacking blocks (5 quid each).
On the subject, I bought some dynax UC for the sills themselves as they're the only part of the (painted) bodywork that doesn't get covered in polish/wax etc when the car gets a clean.

Would recommend both products!

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Jacking blocks are cool. So they slot on the sills, then you jack it up? Where from?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
The jacking points on these bend so easily (Moreso the fronts), mine need bending back. Good shout on the block, I like to use blocks of wood along the length of the sill too.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
The jacking points on these bend so easily (Moreso the fronts), mine need bending back. Good shout on the block, I like to use blocks of wood along the length of the sill too.
Jacking on the sills is a risky business on these, sheer weight of the engine I suppose... Yeah definitely wouldn't like to see the sills fold up [emoji15] prevention is better than cure they say, and I stick by that! haha


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Another tiny update, fitted a new gearstick gaiter ordered from RPD as the plastic tabs had broken on the old one (probably the colder weather recently)


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Just something to keep this rolling. With the miserable weather about at the moment, my car is doing journeys to work and journeys to my girlfriends and not much else. All the products I spent many days putting onto my paint pre winter seem to have just about worn off in terms of beading etc.
So today I washed the car down and applied hydro2lite just to keep it protected up until summer, when I can go back to spending hours with all sorts of glazes and waxes etc
Finished shot, didn't bother drying as it was raining ☔️ I'm just avoiding as much contact cleaning as possible while the muck is about!

Got some little goodies on the way but will post about those once arrived and fitted [emoji1303]


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Nothing much to report this month, I have bought 'non-sticky' interior grab handles and given them a glossy renault 'mercury grey' (silver) finish, as that's something I do like in the PH1 interior

Also replaced the old number plate illuminator unit with a brand new one from RPD, always surprised at the difference it makes;

Waiting on a delivery of new brake lines, and will be taking it to rentech for the fitting as well as new fluid etc [emoji1303]


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
It's been a long time since I last updated, mostly as the car is pretty much as I want it now.
It is my daily and I'm chomping through the mileage a bit more than I'd like to, but having managed to look after me on an 18 hour round trip to Cornwall last week, it's doing well.
I have recently acquired a milltek cat-back system, fully resonated (centre and twin back box), which I have had fitted this evening.
it's really improved the appearance at the back, as the old pattern part fitted by a Renault dealership a long time ago, had really seen better days.
As well as this, as we all know, 182s don't come with a spare, so I've bought a new wheel, had it refurbed and I'm currently waxing it in preparation for a new tyre (Pirelli P zero).
Below is a picture of the old system;

This is a picture of the milltek fitted, might bring the tips further proud of the bumper, undecided yet...

And finally the new wheel getting waxed up;

All in time for FCS this weekend, fingers crossed for good weather!


ClioSport Admin
It's been a long time since I last updated, mostly as the car is pretty much as I want it now.
It is my daily and I'm chomping through the mileage a bit more than I'd like to, but having managed to look after me on an 18 hour round trip to Cornwall last week, it's doing well.
I have recently acquired a milltek cat-back system, fully resonated (centre and twin back box), which I have had fitted this evening.
it's really improved the appearance at the back, as the old pattern part fitted by a Renault dealership a long time ago, had really seen better days.
As well as this, as we all know, 182s don't come with a spare, so I've bought a new wheel, had it refurbed and I'm currently waxing it in preparation for a new tyre (Pirelli P zero).
Below is a picture of the old system;

This is a picture of the milltek fitted, might bring the tips further proud of the bumper, undecided yet...

And finally the new wheel getting waxed up;

All in time for FCS this weekend, fingers crossed for good weather!

Lovely car and a fantastic write up.

Not sure how I've missed this project thread up until now!

I miss my arctic 182.

Make sure you come and introduce yourself at FCS :up:


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Lovely car and a fantastic write up.

Not sure how I've missed this project thread up until now!

I miss my arctic 182.

Make sure you come and introduce yourself at FCS :up:

Thanks mate, will do! It's hard to guess who people are at those shows as nobody uses proper names or faces on the forum!
Will probably be with my girlfriend as my usual car-buddy is floating around on a car carrier in the East China Sea at the moment, haha!


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
You'll be very happy with that exhaust, I've had the same one on my car for a year now with no issues at all :up:
Nice one [emoji1303] I was really stuck debating whether to keep the old one just 'in case', but decided to put my faith in the legendary milltek build quality [emoji5]


ClioSport Admin
Thanks mate, will do! It's hard to guess who people are at those shows as nobody uses proper names or faces on the forum!
Will probably be with my girlfriend as my usual car-buddy is floating around on a car carrier in the East China Sea at the moment, haha!

I'll have a sunglasses Ron name
Badge sticker on :up:
Nice one [emoji1303] I was really stuck debating whether to keep the old one just 'in case', but decided to put my faith in the legendary milltek build quality [emoji5]

I was exactly the same! But had no room to keep the old one and in the end, would have been pointless lol glad I got rid..... wasn't the original Renault part anyway


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Another update.
Had the annual service carried out at rentech in Portsmouth a couple of days ago. Whilst in for that I also had new front brake lines fitted as the originals weren't in great nick after 13 years on the road.
Also de-bobbled the seats and have ordered a new centre exhaust hanger to replace this current one which is a little worn.
I'll be at origine RS and trax next weekend, so I'll put a bit of time into presentation over the next week [emoji1303]

Here I am at FCS 2017

And because I am sad enough to photograph it, the new OEM hanger:
