chris blue
ClioSport Area Rep
172 Ph1 2001
Testing the water here, with the meet season soon upon us
A few members local to Sussex have posted up in a Sussex members thread, so thought why not organise a meet for couple hours, swap stories on mods and repairs. Have a little cruise out- some great roads north of Brighton. Maybe meet for a cuppa and bite at a cafe.
Brighton Devils Dyke, Brighton Marina are good destinations. Or further afield if any other suggestions. Hastings maybe?
Either a Sunday morning or 7pm ish evening be best i reckon, but thats for discussion
Maybe all meet at Pease Pottage services, then drive the back roads to National Trust site Deveils dyke then straight down to the seafront and along the coast and seafront to Brighton Marina (see post 13 for a better route description)
Have done it with other Clubs and its great fun, especially if there is some sort of motor show in Brighton Marin parade that Sunday, as there sometimes is
Post up your interest, and will sort something if enough interested. Open to everyone wherever you are from.
There would be after a bit of discussion a point when i would post up a date, time and place. Bit of discussion first i think
Interested so far:
Sunglasses Ron
jeff simply
rs 1an
A few members local to Sussex have posted up in a Sussex members thread, so thought why not organise a meet for couple hours, swap stories on mods and repairs. Have a little cruise out- some great roads north of Brighton. Maybe meet for a cuppa and bite at a cafe.
Brighton Devils Dyke, Brighton Marina are good destinations. Or further afield if any other suggestions. Hastings maybe?
Either a Sunday morning or 7pm ish evening be best i reckon, but thats for discussion
Maybe all meet at Pease Pottage services, then drive the back roads to National Trust site Deveils dyke then straight down to the seafront and along the coast and seafront to Brighton Marina (see post 13 for a better route description)
Have done it with other Clubs and its great fun, especially if there is some sort of motor show in Brighton Marin parade that Sunday, as there sometimes is
Post up your interest, and will sort something if enough interested. Open to everyone wherever you are from.
There would be after a bit of discussion a point when i would post up a date, time and place. Bit of discussion first i think
Interested so far:
Sunglasses Ron
jeff simply
rs 1an
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