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BG 182 daily


ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Had a great day out on Saturday! Had a good run out to the hartside cafe, probably my favourite trip in the Clio so far! Some really great roads! [emoji3]

The clios now ticked over on to 75k so it's due its 5k oil service so that will be done this weekend .

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ClioSport Club Member
Had a great day out on Saturday! Had a good run out to the hartside cafe, probably my favourite trip in the Clio so far! Some really great roads! [emoji3]

The clios now ticked over on to 75k so it's due its 5k oil service so that will be done this weekend .

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Was that with the facebook group?


ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Just changing over the oil and filter, I think I need to invest in a oil catch tray and funnel [emoji3]

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
While the bonnets up I cleaned the throttle body and fitted a new air filter

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Runs sweet! Just noticed the injectors are rather noisy! Is this common?

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Dropped a 10mm socket in the engine bay and can't bloody find it anywhere!!! [emoji30]

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
I just drive forwards and emergency brake when that happens.
I tried that and no luck so I'll have to go for a blast round the street and see if it drops out

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Nothing much has changed on the car recently, holiday coming up shortly so money's been going towards that! Hopefully next few months I can look at a couple of more mods!! Just washed the car, the ceramic coating makes it so much easier and quicker to clean the car!

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
I had the gyeon ceramic coating applied , lasts around 2-3 years apparently so was worth the money

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
So you've not buggered it up yet then! I might get mine done at some point then.

Not yet [emoji57] been doing the 2 stage bucket wash and being careful to get all the muck off before I touch the paint, so far so good [emoji1]

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Replaced the spoiler brake light as it decides to die on me! £22.50 for a genuine one from eBay which I thought was good!

The original one was pretty goosed!

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Well I've just brimmed the car up for the 1st time since my ownership! I'm interested to see how many miles it will do out of the full tank

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ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Bloody hell that's expensive. £1.16 down here for Tesco 99 and I'm averaging 38 mpg atm. How far you going tomorrow?

95mile 2hr 20min been averaging 42 today so going to see how far a full tank gets me

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