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Fcuking Apple !!!!!

  Peddled device

Right. I know that no company is morally perfect, but this is shocking. My iPhone 6 is three and a half years old now and the battery is fcuked. I get it. It won't last forever and cold weather doesn't help. It's cold here in Beijing now, and after a charge to 100% my iPhone will drop to 1% after just a few minutes useage. It won't shut down, though. It may last for another 10 minutes or another 2 hours. Or it may shut down at 30% and not restart, even if plugged in. Rubbing the phone to put heat in it makes it restart. Or it doesn't. All of the above are true. The mind boggles !

When did it start to fcuk up? Right after an iOS update (10 I think). Now Apple admit this (see the link).

I won't be buying another iPhone.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
It’s good business.

Could allways make a Nokia phone that never needs to be changed. A one off purchase.


ClioSport Club Member
Haven't read, but I'm sure it'll only be a few MHz of slow down. In the grand scheme of things, not much. As the operating system grows with functionality, you have to expect older systems to slow down. You wouldn't expect a 5 year old laptop to run Windows 10 all that brilliantly.


ClioSport Club Member
Well, to be fair, without the software update your phone would be shutting down a lot more. The software changes are to avoid as far as possible the scenario you're having, but they can only go so far. They should have been open about it though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
I read a similar article yesterday with a misleading title.

It did say that when a new battery was fitted the phones go back to stock and run at full speed.

Not a bad thing tbh, trying to make the battery last longer when it’s not working as it should.
  Peddled device
Yep my 6 has the same symptoms.

Got battery replaced by imend

55 quid and the chap came to my home to replace it. Took about 5 mins to do

How is it now?
I was thinking about replacing the battery myself, but some batteries are only good for 6 months or so.
  Peddled device
I read a similar article yesterday with a misleading title.

It did say that when a new battery was fitted the phones go back to stock and run at full speed.

Not a bad thing tbh, trying to make the battery last longer when it’s not working as it should.

When there's an update you can read all the details about what it's for. I've never seen anything about battery life (and I looked because of the issues I was having). They could have told us but chose not to.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
I only have iPhones, but this has been speculation for years but now they’ve come out and admitted it with a feasible reason for it, people are going mad! I get it’s not great, but I’d be surprised if the android software didn’t do similar to keep phones going.


ClioSport Club Member
I just upgraded to an X from a 6.

Had the 6 for 3 1/2 years and it worked really well all the way through, probably the best phone over ever owned.

Yes the speed wasn’t the same toward the end or the battery life, buts that’s to be expected. Time for an upgrade don’t you think?

Or stop complaining and switch to Android..
Been Apple for years now, macs, iPads phones ect, loved the way everything just worked together iMessage iPhoto ect

Noticed this happening with all my devices in time, always suspected it was to promote there new ones and “how fast they are”, which in real terms there isn’t massive leaps between each gen so they have to make them look that way I get it it’s business, they have to keep cash flowing but saying it’s to protect devices, stopping them shutting down and so on, is a massive cop out,

They are really starting to take the piss out of the consumer now, prices on their products are getting ridiculous, 4 years ago I specced up a MacBook Pro, came out about 1800, if I go for a similar spec now albeit the modern day equivalent it’s almost double,

I like there products but I’m really struggling to bring myself to upgrade when it will be defunct again in a few years


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
I don't think anyone would've had an issue if they promoted it as a feature, hiding it just gives substance to the claims they force upgrades.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
How many other phone makers will be doing this? I’d say all of them tbh. Piss poor practice but Apple won’t be the only ones.

My iPad air V1 runs like a bag of $hit now.
  Alfa 159 TI, 172 Cup
Still rocking the 5s from 4 years ago. Fcuk you apple
Me too, I smashed my 6. And reverted back to the 5 as I never managed to smash the screen.

Considering the use my phone gets and the amount of recharging it’s gone through I think the battery’s are amazing for the size of them.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
My old 5 had the cold issues that Dave mentioned at the start. Got a 7 now and no doubt that it will do similar in a few years.

I'm no Apple fanboi but iOS trounces Android in terms of what I want and ease of use. iOS is iOS across the board. I really dislike the various 'flavours' of Android - like the Amazon kit having cut-down versions and even distinctions between the same manufacturers - we have Motorolas at work that this happens to.

This is a bit of a s**t-show from Apple - but in the big scheme of things..... meh.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Haven't read, but I'm sure it'll only be a few MHz of slow down. In the grand scheme of things, not much. As the operating system grows with functionality, you have to expect older systems to slow down. You wouldn't expect a 5 year old laptop to run Windows 10 all that brilliantly.

Take it you've seen the full report now... 1400MHz to 600MHz :confounded: quite a bit!


ClioSport Club Member
I really despair at the reporting of this in the media, “people have suspected for years that Apple deliberately slow down old phones with software updates - well it’s true!”. Talk about missing the point completely. Old phones get slower with upgrades because the OS is more complicated and is doing more, plus it’s generally optimised for newer devices - it really is as simple as that. It shouldn’t be surprising.

What Apple have done here is chucked in a bodgy “fix” for the battery issues they were having with the 6S due to the batteries being badly stored before they were installed. By under-clocking the processor they reduced the load on the power system and prevented the phone from crapping out because of the bad batteries.

To my mind this was a deeply, deeply cynical move to try and prevent them having to run a recall program - but it couldn’t completely fix/hide the issue so they had to do the recall anyway.

Is it a bad thing overall? Well if it means you can squeeze another year out of an older phone, albeit at the cost of some performance, then I’d say definitely not. But the phone should tell you, there should be a flag that the battery is on it’s last legs and the phone is running in reduced performance mode.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I don't think what they've done is really the issue. It's the fact there's no mention of it, even in the detailed website you get linked to when your battery needs replacing.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Wish you could buy genuine phone batteries from Apple to replace ourselves.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Oh yeah £21 is bargain! But my nearest Apple shop is a 96 mile round trip and atleast half a day of my time. I’d happily pay £20 for the battery and do it myself.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I’m not convinced it’s ‘just’ that. My phone is currently plugged into power with 100% charge and if I try to open, for example, the settings app... one moment.

It took a whole 4 seconds to open a simple app. And that’s at best. I can’t see any reason why that shouldn’t be almost instantaneous. 5 seconds to open Music. Why? It was instantaneous before I updated it a month ago and that was with just as much music. As soon as it was updated it was immediately slower.


ClioSport Club Member
  Hi comp phase 1
I’m not convinced it’s ‘just’ that. My phone is currently plugged into power with 100% charge and if I try to open, for example, the settings app... one moment.

It took a whole 4 seconds to open a simple app. And that’s at best. I can’t see any reason why that shouldn’t be almost instantaneous. 5 seconds to open Music. Why? It was instantaneous before I updated it a month ago and that was with just as much music. As soon as it was updated it was immediately slower.

Yep.. the same has happened to my 6s since the last update... also most of the time it never rings when someone calls, I just get a missed call text on the home screen.

Should have learnt by now never update!!


ClioSport Club Member
Apple have always been about clever marketing and pushing people into expensive upgrades. This is just another example of that.

It amazes me that they're as popular as they are to be honest. Just demonstrates the power of marketing. I doubt this story will have much impact on them.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Android doesn’t have iMessage, that’s enough for me to stay with Apple.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
I find it funny that we’re in 2017, nearly 2018 and people are still surprised when it comes out that companies are pulling the wool over their eyes.

Maybe I’m unique then. I’m not surprised by this in the slightest. It’s also not going to put me off buying their products. If I was to stop buying products from companies who were acting imorraly or doing sneaky things behind my back I’d literally own f**k all.
