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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


ClioSport Club Member
it appears the ones who know the least, get the most views from what I can see. And some of them are making some serious coin while doing it, unreal!

I thought this was an interesting watch, and I can only imagine how profitable it can be when your driving other peoples cars!


ClioSport Club Member
it appears the ones who know the least, get the most views from what I can see. And some of them are making some serious coin while doing it, unreal!

I would definitely agree with that. I can't watch people like that Shmee character. They have just read some facts from the brochure and say how brilliant everything is. I don't see what people actually get from watching it.
it appears the ones who know the least, get the most views from what I can see. And some of them are making some serious coin while doing it, unreal!

I thought this was an interesting watch, and I can only imagine how profitable it can be when your driving other peoples cars!

I was just thinking about this the other day before he posted a video. And I was correct in thinking that every car he buys or other youtubes for that matter is part of their business (tax deductible) Imagine that, you get a 50k corp tax bill so you just go out and buy a porsche


ClioSport Club Member
it appears the ones who know the least, get the most views from what I can see. And some of them are making some serious coin while doing it, unreal!

I thought this was an interesting watch, and I can only imagine how profitable it can be when your driving other peoples cars!

Just watched the video. Quite interesting to think of it in those terms. Watched one of his other videos too. Not one of the worst I've seen. Like his R34 too.

On the subject of bad YouTubers, I just watched this, only because I enjoy Leno's stuff. This video sums up perfectly to me what is wrong with Shmee150:

He was wondering around, giggling like a pillock, but didn't really add anything to the video, other than saying that everything was brilliant. Leno is extremely knowledgeable about cars. Next to him, Shmee seems to know about as much as my mum does. If you want to see flash cars, just watch review videos from Evo etc. The production is better and at least the people doing them have some vague idea what they're talking about. I mean fair play to Shmee, he is obviously doing what he enjoys, but I just don't see what people get out of his content, other than watching a rich bloke giggle and say "guys" all the time.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I think I've already mentioned what I watch on YT but just lately I've really enjoyed Harry Metcalfe's adventures, particularly the Rolls Royce Artic Circle trip.

- Henry Catpole is fantastic on Carfection, especially his Alpine review.
- I quite like Matt Watson on Carwow... His channel is better now that he's doing more fun stuff and less ordinary reviews.
- I'm going off Ian Seabrook's HubNut channel. He seems to be becoming a little self-absorbed and I didn't like his rant about working too hard, it sounded lazy.
- EVO and Autocar always knock out decent edits.
- Steveston Motor Co is pretty cool if you like classic Mini's.
- Tiff Needell on Lovecars is pretty good, although it still feels a bit Fifth Gear.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172, RS4 B7
Honestly this thread is like a treasure trove of worthy YouTube content hehe. But I have a question, what makes a good channel? What makes you wanna stick around, subscribe etc? Being a “young” youtuber myself and trying to grow my channel, I would like to know what makes you wanna watch something? Personally so far with my small “fan base” I found that generally people respond better to something more technical like building/fabricating rather than more generic car reviews etc. Obviously it depends on the persons doing the presenting. I want to make my content as good as it can be, entertaining as well as informative. But it’s a fine balance between the 2. I have yet to find a golden recipe. There is no way I can compete with project blinky haha those 2 have amazing energy and I don’t have years to build my s**t haha.

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aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
No way? Have they really? Obviously not on YouTube as it’s been around since 2005ish




ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, GT2, Meg250

I’ll just leave this here. Your welcome 🙂.

This guy had loads of amazing content - lots of it has English subtitles. The 147 GTA video is my favourite along with this one. Merry Christmas


ClioSport Club Member
Retropower cars is really good, they do some amazing work.
Just watched the video. Quite interesting to think of it in those terms. Watched one of his other videos too. Not one of the worst I've seen. Like his R34 too.

On the subject of bad YouTubers, I just watched this, only because I enjoy Leno's stuff. This video sums up perfectly to me what is wrong with Shmee150:

He was wondering around, giggling like a pillock, but didn't really add anything to the video, other than saying that everything was brilliant. Leno is extremely knowledgeable about cars. Next to him, Shmee seems to know about as much as my mum does. If you want to see flash cars, just watch review videos from Evo etc. The production is better and at least the people doing them have some vague idea what they're talking about. I mean fair play to Shmee, he is obviously doing what he enjoys, but I just don't see what people get out of his content, other than watching a rich bloke giggle and say "guys" all the time.

Schmee's an absolute bell piece. I'm yet to come across anyone who actually likes the fat tongued window licker.


ClioSport Club Member
Schmee's an absolute bell piece. I'm yet to come across anyone who actually likes the fat tongued window licker.

And yet he has almost 2m YouTube subscribers :oops:

When I was at the 'ring a few years ago, some of the guys I went with disappeared off so they could watch him filming. They were really pleased when they were in the background of one of his videos. Like I said above, I just don't see what people get out of his videos. The production isn't that good, he doesn't actually know very much, he can't drive that well. I just don't see what the 'reward' is for watching it.


ClioSport Club Member
He's a bit of a nonce ain't he

Mr JWW has far better production value than he does, Well shot and edited videos and genuinely seems to know a bit about cars
And yet he has almost 2m YouTube subscribers :oops:

When I was at the 'ring a few years ago, some of the guys I went with disappeared off so they could watch him filming. They were really pleased when they were in the background of one of his videos. Like I said above, I just don't see what people get out of his videos. The production isn't that good, he doesn't actually know very much, he can't drive that well. I just don't see what the 'reward' is for watching it.
I think it's because he got in early and there weren't many others doing what he does. I've not watched one of his videos for years. His opening intro 'Hi I'm Schmee' does my f**king head in. He is a Marmite type of bloke for sure, some hang off of his every word. I much prefer not to bother with him.

The production is terrible! He needs to ditch the hand held go-go gadget arm camera! Videos on there have come a long way since he got going and most of them are a lot better.


ClioSport Club Member
I think it's because he got in early and there weren't many others doing what he does. I've not watched one of his videos for years. His opening intro 'Hi I'm Schmee' does my f**king head in. He is a Marmite type of bloke for sure, some hang off of his every word. I much prefer not to bother with him.

The production is terrible! He needs to ditch the hand held go-go gadget arm camera! Videos on there have come a long way since he got going and most of them are a lot better.

Yeah I think he did get lucky. Posted a video of a Lamborghini crash or something didn't he? Never mind the fact he was loaded and could afford to put time into building it up.

I don't mind videos that are filmed like that to be honest as, in some cases, it can actually add something to the atmosphere sometimes. The problem is, the content needs to be good and the presenter needs to be engaging. Just saying "Hi guys" and not giving any real info is never going to win me over. Saying that, I put a bit of video on my Instagram and barely get any views, so I can't criticise him too much, as no one likes me either 😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra

Interesting guy. Does all sorts. His ability to talk none stop unscripted it really good.

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
One not to watch; living life fast

His videos and content are cringe worthy, the conversations he has with people in his videos are forced and very awkward, and he has boy racers driving their cars to the limits on public roads so he can film it.

Accident waiting to happen is that one.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
One not to watch; living life fast

His videos and content are cringe worthy, the conversations he has with people in his videos are forced and very awkward, and he has boy racers driving their cars to the limits on public roads so he can film it.

Accident waiting to happen is that one.

The faster he drives, the lighter he grips the wheel too. Watch it and you'll see.

100+mph and he's got his finger tips on the wheel 😂
One not to watch; living life fast

His videos and content are cringe worthy, the conversations he has with people in his videos are forced and very awkward, and he has boy racers driving their cars to the limits on public roads so he can film it.

Accident waiting to happen is that one.
Just looked, surely he's not for real ? w**k video, w**k number plate and he looks like a complete gonad.

I'm off to clear my computers history.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
I have said it once and I will say it again.

I dont get the whole "Lets drive like a total fan*y" for 15mins of fame.

I cant get over some of the driving in these videos and on public roads with other traffic around also.
The sooner LLF gets lifted for driving like a plank in his BMW or is in a bad accident the better.

This person with the Camo Green Clio Turbo has picked some crazy "facts" (I use facts loosely) for his car.
The owner has been slated on some facebook pages.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Not going to watch the vid but I quite like that camo green colour, needs a better plate and lose the strap tho.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I have said it once and I will say it again.

I dont get the whole "Lets drive like a total fan*y" for 15mins of fame.

I cant get over some of the driving in these videos and on public roads with other traffic around also.
The sooner LLF gets lifted for driving like a plank in his BMW or is in a bad accident the better.

This person with the Camo Green Clio Turbo has picked some crazy "facts" (I use facts loosely) for his car.
The owner has been slated on some facebook pages.

I lasted 1:37 before I had to turn it off


ClioSport Club Member
I have said it once and I will say it again.

I dont get the whole "Lets drive like a total fan*y" for 15mins of fame.

I cant get over some of the driving in these videos and on public roads with other traffic around also.
The sooner LLF gets lifted for driving like a plank in his BMW or is in a bad accident the better.

This person with the Camo Green Clio Turbo has picked some crazy "facts" (I use facts loosely) for his car.
The owner has been slated on some facebook pages.

@Joe# Your old RB?
