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having trouble getting my 182 to start but cant for the life if me fined the fule cut off switch its turning over but wont fire

  Clio sport 182
Hi there guys im having trouble getting my 182 to start parked it up gone to use it turns over but won't fire its got spark and will fire on easy start been told fule cut off switch but can't for the life if me find it
  Clio sport 182
Yep that's working fine taken injectors out and there is good pressure just like the injectors not letting it past


ClioSport Club Member
I think @Ol’Tarby! is saying wise things.

Good chance its the CPS which sits above the gearbox, if you buy a replacement get one with the new connector too. Renault updated to a better connector as there were issues with the original style. New one should be a blue connector.

If the CPS has failed the injectors wont fire and you will have no spark either.

*Edit just read you have spark. Have you got 12V to the injectors, could be a relay or broken wire. Test this first before anything else.
