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spray gun for car painting

  1.4 16v soon 2 be 172 rep
is there a place where you can get it and what are the prices ranging from and which ones are nice?
  ZX6R B1H
I use devilbiss GTI Pro both with a 1.3 fluid tip, Suitable for both water and solvant paint system's the setup will give a nice finish on most clear systems inc HS and UHS alongside MS if needed.

Sata guns i find are not quite as comfy, but they do offer a slightly larger fan.

My guns cost me £450 for the pair and i've had them 12months used at least twice daily 6 days a week and never had a single problem with the guns.

SRI is for spot repairs, i hate these things... unless im going for a blowin but i still opt for my pro's

The older GTi with a 1.3/1.4 fluid tip and a 115/110 aircap will also be a decent setup depending on your application.
  Evo 6, E92 320d
What are you looking to paint on the car? I got a small gravity fed gun off ebay to paint my bumpers for about £15, then hooked it upto my old mans compressor.
  Astra GSI, 172, Golf
get the garvity fed 1.4 from machine mart think there £30
but judging from your post you know little to nothing about painting , its not as easy as it looks and takes along time to perfect the prep work and paint finish .


ClioSport Moderator
Not meaning to thread-jack (and this my help the OP) but....

How much can a gun and compressor be picked up for reasonably?

I'm a pretty good painter with rattle cans and know all about prep work etc but tbh with my funds I'd be looking as cheap as possible, only used to do bits and pieces.

All help and links appreciated :)
  Astra GSI, 172, Golf
compressor £150ish ( look out for the cfm you want atleast 8 or 9 )
guns £30 each you want 3 ideally paint , primer , lacquer
airline £10-20
inline air /water filter £30 - £xx's
then you have consumables
gun cleaner ( thinners) £10
mixing cups £5
hardener £15-40+
filters £10
primers , masking tape , soft edge , masking sheet , fade out blender etc etc

its very expensive but you can make your money back if you are go0d at it .


ClioSport Moderator
Maybe something to consider when I find a job that pays alright, cheers for the info mate, really appreciated. May be able to sort a second hand compressor off an ex mechanic/painter so that could make it cheaper :)

Would using one gun not be possible? If I had no intention of painting/priming etc on the same day it wouldnt be much different would it?
  Astra GSI, 172, Golf
Maybe something to consider when I find a job that pays alright, cheers for the info mate, really appreciated. May be able to sort a second hand compressor off an ex mechanic/painter so that could make it cheaper :)

Would using one gun not be possible? If I had no intention of painting/priming etc on the same day it wouldnt be much different would it?

i would defo get a compressor if you can , i dont know how i went without it tbh i use it alot .

it is possible but it means risking gettin bits of primer into the paint/ lacquer if not 100% clean .
and you need different setting for each you need the needle screwd out more for primer and lacquer but less for waterbase paint . so it means finding the correct setting each time you swap paint type etc . i used just 2 guns to begin with when i was practising but found it so much easier to just buy another . you can pick used ones up cheap on ebay etc .
  Clio 182
Have a small Devilbiss sri that i dont need any more if you want to make me an offer.

  Trophy Turbo :)
Ive spent nealry £900 over the last year getting the right gun for me, I have a Snap on one now that is fantastic, made by Devilblis,

If you screw the job up you will cry when you have to flatt it all back again and strart from scratch, i used to always screw up the 2nd coat of laqure, the key with paint work, is practise and be patient, dont be in a rush too do it :)
  Dodgy one
thats for primer! i have one of those

You can use it for whatever you want as long as you have the appropriate air cap and tips on,

I use two GTis day in day out, One for base and the other for laquer and an old sata for primer, 1.3tip on the base and primer and 1.4 in my laquer, also have a small sata gun for wheels but it doesnt get used very often at all, Only unless i've a few wheels to do at the same time as having a different colour on my GTis it gets used

Wouldnt bother with an SRi if you are painting the car, they are ok for small jobs such as wingmirrors and wheels but no good for painting anything bigger TBH.

A gravity fed gun is what you are after, If you can get a bag system great as it'l allow you to paint with your gun at all sorts of angles if you can stretch to PPS system is better and is what we use at work they have filters in the tops so you dont have to prick about doing that either!

Its quite expensive to get set up so if you're only doing a one off job i would pay to have it done
