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Gyeon Wax is well within budget, gives a decent shine and is idiot proof to use, can be left on for hours and still buff off effortlessly.
Will have plenty left over for the owner to reapply himself as it only lasts 3-6 months.
Injectors are pretty bad for clogging on these and also the pre cat lambda sensor tends to not last that long.
Changed both of mine recently and i think the lambda sensor has made the most difference, it was graphing erratically when up to temp on part throttle.
Have either of yours been changed?
Look for Renault CAN Clip with Full Chip in the description, they're the best ones and pretty much identical to dealer spec.
You need XP 32bit or Win 7/10 32bit. Won't work properly on 64bit.
They will be a loose fit if you remove all of the rubber.
You only need to remove the middle bit, leave the rubber around the edge. The red mount then fits in tight.