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  1. M


    Hey there Sarah, blonde like Aguliera? I could afford a Porsche Carrera But with my driving, I wouldn't have a prayer. I'm pretty sure you don't care, and that is pretty fair. Welcome anyway, I'm a budding poet and don't you just know it.
  2. M

    I found this funny, even though I am a girl.

    You shouldn't biite your nails.
  3. M

    Sat Nav's ?
  4. M

    This is how to sell a car! (2008 BMW 325d)

    All that and not one picture of the interior seats?
  5. M

    Newbie wanting to say hi!!

    hair on her alphabet? Thats not right;)
  6. M

    Weekend runabout anyone?

    What would a 205 T16 go for?
  7. M

    Weekend runabout anyone?

    I'm with you on this. I was just looking on PH for an alternative for 50k but there are so many choices I gave up.
  8. M

    Newbie wanting to say hi!!

    Tash Tash do you have a moustache? Tash Tash I've got some spare cash Tash Tash would you like to catch a rash? Tash Tash is there hair on your....
  9. M

    Newbie wanting to say hi!!

    That is no way to welcome a new member to this informative friendly multi-sex community of Renault Clio Enthusiasts.
  10. M

    Newbie wanting to say hi!!

    Welcome along Tash, I'll give some poetry a bash. You've not been her long no time to prepare a song Your new car looks superb, Good luck with the wheel refurb.
  11. M

    Excel Help.

    Penquin picker upper. Thank you. Another happy customer.
  12. M

    Excel Help.

    The way we extracted the data from the system didn't allow us to do that. Data is sort of stored on an array and we had no simple way of stringing it together and then extracting it on one line. Couldn't be assed to write the code to write it directly to a file so it had to be a copy and paste job.
  13. M

    Excel Help.

    Noone said he wasn't, and he has one hell of a knob.
  14. M

    Excel Help.

    Were in the next cell, thats what confused me. Andy sorted it!
  15. M

    Excel Help.

    You sir are a genius! One more thing, once sorted into alphabetical anyway of removing the duplicate codes in column A we created?
  16. M

    Excel Help.

    I wonder if anyone can help me....... I have an excel spreadsheet In column A I have codes and in column B I have comments. For example: What I need to do is sort by the code in alphabetical order keeping the comments attached? Problem is the only way we could get the data in was to have the...
  17. M

    clio v6?

    What MPG are you getting at that speed?
  18. M


    Thats just knocked £500 off the value.
  19. M

    Dagenham dustbins fao Gally/Daniel

    lol I give up, can you tell that from that picture?
  20. M

    Hi all!!

    Oh Kath oh Kath. This place is a laugh Almost as much fun as a bath. I spent al this time, Writing this rhyme, because over the internet a mime would be s**t. Welcome along.
  21. M

    Dagenham dustbins fao Gally/Daniel

    lol, I knew you'd win. I am now going on an internet/yellow pages/old man at the end of the bar who knows everything hunt to find one. I might have been right.....
  22. M

    Dagenham dustbins fao Gally/Daniel

    Gally obviously doesn't know much about the Puma scene years. Pumaspeed did one about 803 years ago, probably wasn't a FRP though. Just a normal girly one.
  23. M

    Do I have the last one??

    When you have shot one bird flying you have shot all birds flying. They are all different and they fly in different ways but the sensation is the same and the last one is as good as the first.
  24. M

    Euro Road Trip

    Thats a new one!
  25. M

    3D model for pre-mod visualisations

    A bit like trying a new dress on a Barbie doll but for men? Say i was thinking about getting a new steering wheel would you be able to show that on the 3D model?
  26. M

    Anyone else play Minecraft?

    Haiku doesn't get much sex. I feel 100% more man after listening to him.
  27. M

    Anyone else play Minecraft?

    Its not mathematically possible to be 350% better than Sim City.
  28. M

    Anyone else play Minecraft?

    Is it better than Sim City?
  29. M

    Anyone else play Minecraft?

    Don't understand it but just had a read up on it and with no publisher or advertising other than word of mouth it has generated $33 million dollars in revenue.
  30. M

    Finally given up on the clio

    Don't do it man. Cars aren't like girlfriends you can't just replace them.