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I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, as you don't see able to form sentences?
I see you have a cup? Apex really will ruin the handling. They do go low, but they just don't work with the standard clio dampers.
I am. Mine stays in the glove box. So the ugly front of my car doesn't look like it's sporting a prince Albert.
I bet revels hasn't got a silly tow eye on.
That's my point. Just because you're going faster, doesn't make it more fun.
And piss off, you'd run rings round anyone that posts in here! We're not all racing drivers young May!
Is weird, but a lot of people are ditching them on here. Gets to a point where you're going quick, but the cars not moving around and it's just not that fun. Then you seem some fucker like Burns hanging the arse out at every opportunity, and realise what's missing.
Wanna go fast, don't buy a...
It's s**t suspension. Bottom of the barrel crap. If track work will be a regular thing for you, you'd be far better off with standard suspension and a whiteline ARB. Spend the rest on tuition. Oh, and get 15's.