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Which iron x product is it that is most used?
I've never used any before the closest I've come is when I bought a tar remover in a bundle off cyc with collinite, but as I'm wanting to learn and experiment a bit more I thought I'd start with some reading...
Every time I search cyc or ebay or...
I must have a load hidden somewhere in the house but I can never find the old ones.
I'm sure they got swallowed by the van we used for moving house last year!!
I bought a bag about 1 year ago and have 1 left as I use clean ones when I can't find old ones and am working on cars... Valver16 loves it when I do this!!
What do people generally use to clean items like drying cloths or micro fibre cloths?
As much as I try not to the always end up with marks on so I don't want to keep using them dirty.
Or is it a case of just buying lots and treating them as disposable as they aren't exactly expensive items...
A few I like from 223 I took the other day with my mutts. Nothing anywhere near the quality of many on here, but I like them none the less
LOTS more in this folder, loads got uploaded twice due to PC mess up, like I said already, they're. It the best, but some are nice...
My other half has just been given a Vax Mach Air 2. We've had a small Dyson for ages and with 2 dogs in the house wasn't coping at all. Plus it didn't have the spinning brushes on the bottom of it so meant needing to "foot drag" the floor first.
New Vax one has transformed the carpets and I'd...
Not normally in my experience, just crack the nut off before releasing the ball joint.
Doesn't matter what ones you get from ecp, don't expect them to last, and make sure they're the right ones before you start lol
If you're not getting the tracking done straight away and you're doing both...
First step:
DON'T go to euro car parts!!
Undo the ball joint, pop it but leave the nut on the end so the arm isn't hanging around.
Undo the TRE, taking note of how far up it was turned on, then wind the new one back on.
Remember to get the tracking done after!!
Just been reading the sticky about glazes, sounds like they're an alternative of sorts for correction if I'm reading right??
Sounds like a good idea, you're only over the bridge from me so sounds like an ideal place to start learning :)
I've always been partial to a bit of a whole day spent cleaning and tidying up the car, but detailing is something that I would love to learn more about and such.
I've been reading my way through some of the threads on here, and there is a lot to read, but to be honest, I'm a lot of an...