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Absolute mad heads the lot of you.
Well was a brilliant day out im glad you all had fun no bad moments for most of us other than dani who got a talking to by the police at the end of her road about her plates when she left us all in grantham.
Brads still not admitting defeat even after leaving...
Not even by looking at how small the front and rear brakes are or actually looking into the vent as see nothing but body colour... Im sure there are ways to see its not a V6 without having to look at the interior.
Arrr... didums you dont get spotted. Sorry but from what your statin is "i spent 20 THOUSAND POUNDS on this v6 clio because i want to be noticed more around the streets" is pretty pointless waste of 20k. Go an put a big white sticker on the rear window saying "I THINK COPS ARE CRAP" then im sure...
My mates missis used to flash at people in other cars an we had to stop her doing it as i was not driving when i should have been and also had to escape some times as people do tend to follow a big titted burd like her.
I used to have the PE2's but when some one gave me 4 GSD3's an it felt like the car stuck to the road better an even in the rain ive just stuck to them now, an mr happy tyre man sells them at majorly cheap rates to me :D (less than £50 p/t)
was about to say if you lived in the uk then call Dent Wizards as they do get pretty much every dent out, Plus it being an act of nature its not some thing you can claim against
What kind of surprise is this then Fred... Im stuck between the Milltek and the Yozza but i dont know what price the milltek is as of yet an waiting for some one to contact me with info.
What brakes are good togo for and i dont want to be spending mega amounts of cash just some thing that will perform better and look better than the orignals that ive got.
Callipers/Pads/Discs the whole bargin, any chance of some pictures aswell as who/where to get them from?
thank god you dont have to goto renault in nottingham as they fuckd up my 24k service never mind a repair job on some thing like yours.
the cable tie thing is something to leave till later when talking to them when people are around an your able to come out with some thing like "an why was 87...
Get one mate the ones done by clifford "SST 2 way with responder" are ok for about £250 fitted, although i know people who have said theyll go off every 5 minutes when they get to about 6 months old or until you replace a part of the alarm that cost him about £100.
Others togo for are TOAD...
for a 1.2 i would just get the 70mm mate, i dont think it would make much more differnce getting a 100mm or even in the 50mm, but if your thinking about getting a proper viper IK then stick with 70mm so you dont have to f*ck about changing it again
Now that looks sh*te, But if that really got on your nerves you could always scrap £1500 of the sale price and get it re-sparyd by some one whos bloody good. Well i am some time next year.
Yea ive test drove the 197 for 25 miles (i know the sales gal) yea it does corner well an also does feel...