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  1. David

    K850 Headphone options?

    sony just released a whole range of bluietooth ones compatible for that phone and the iphone.....wireless with remote :)
  2. David

    Rippin songs off my ipod

    anapod is the best one. i use that. Agree with Mark_s
  3. David

    What phone to upgrade to?

    8600 Luna then :)
  4. David

    watching sky on pc

    pfff just use media centre!?!?
  5. David

    What phone to upgrade to?

  6. David

    What exactly is turboSim

    aahhh so annoying stupid apple f**£$ "£@*£$ !£!"!@^*
  7. David

    What exactly is turboSim

    pfff this forum isn't what is used to be back in the good old days!
  8. David

    What exactly is turboSim

    oh come on, bit more helpful than that!!! where are the tech's ??
  9. David

    What exactly is turboSim

    I mean whats the difference between TurboSim and ANYSim?? anyone??
  10. David

    How rubbish are 02?

    b****cks, orange are the best without a shadow of a doubt, can only say good things about them. you speak to an english person in 3 rings what more do you want.
  11. David

    Interesting iPhone development...

    thats like saying, windows 3.1 does the job so why upgrade it to XP...(awaits the flames!) the iphone is an awesome bit of kit and the touchscreen really is a cut above the rest.
  12. David

    Interesting iPhone development...

    omg, but thats the whole's only 1 device...
  13. David

    Interesting iPhone development...

    fook what?
  14. David

    Interesting iPhone development...

    oooh hurry up already i don't want to activaste mine and it's sitting at home!
  15. David

    HD Formats

    how long is this s**t going to last, it's easily the most annoying thing in technology right now. i won't HD but i'm not investing until i know i've got the winning format.
  16. David

    Got my K850i

    i can't understand why people are so keen on this phone, it looks boring, looks like any other phone, fine it has a good camera.....but why bother upgrading to this now and keeping yourself in a contract for another 12 months, when in like a couple of months, you're going to have the iphone the...
  17. David

    wat fone would u rather own?

    8600 luna :cool:
  18. David

    New Build

    in which case get the new E6850 dual core 3.0g £175. get this motherboard, future proof with DDR2 and DDR3 g card....well thats up to you.
  19. David

    New Build

    well i guess your going for a budget system so AMD and ATI will suit you better, but really, i'd definitely get an intel chip, no questions asked, you can get a 6600 fairly cheap anyway
  20. David

    What do i need for Full Hard Drive backup

    oi u coped my avatar!!! and to answer the thread. yes norton ghost is the best one....that or u can try using windows backup but it won't backup the OS
  21. David

    Is anyone familiar with Windows Vista please?

    i used a hauppage. i found i needed the drivers from the actual site as the ones downloaded from MS didn't work completley. make sure u have the driver right then type it into google and see how other people got on...i think they're normally HVR or PVR numbers...
  22. David

    vista and ram query

    2850's?.... erm we use Optiplex machines or Precisions.... or if it's laptops then latitudes... either way, none have model numbers like that.
  23. David

    vista and ram query

    we use dell machines...always been able to put XP on.... aren't you using business images anyway? or is it a small business etc?
  24. David

    Sony, Blu-Ray & Europe this is interesting too
  25. David

    vista and ram query

    wouldn't touch it in a business no no,thats just silly. why would you have done that in the first place?!
  26. David

    vista and ram query

    actually i'm finding vista is great. e6600 4g ram, 8600gt oc gcard. everything runs smooth and haven't had any glitches at all. world or warcaft looks awesome...and well....what else do you need!? lol
  27. David

    vista and ram query

    nope only have 32bit :( this sucks majorly.
  28. David

    vista and ram query

    Guy i just installed vista. In the biod it lists my Ram correctly, 4gig. however in vista it says i only have 3gig....any ideas at all? i've tried reseating it. But bios displays it fine.....dunno what to do tbh/
  29. David

    Dell XPS 720 specced up....

    curious why he even reads post like this if all he's going to do is slate the poster.... anyway mate. best of forgetting quad core as i said, you won't notice it. it's all about a good cpu with an Excellent g card
  30. David

    Dell XPS 720 specced up....

    yeah i'd say the quad core chip and GTX cad will be your main expenses tbh...much better for OC'ing a 6600 to 3.0ghz getting a GTX if u want and that would be more like 1k...