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Search results

  1. Dink

    Stolen Laptop

    mate, i was told by ms that they were able to trace a xbox i had stolen through the ip address but the police couldnt be arsed to go find it, go figure:dapprove:
  2. Dink

    Print Screen button not working?

    i was going to say that but thought he must be
  3. Dink

    Print Screen button not working?

    mine works just by pressing prnt scrn on a dell 1737
  4. Dink

    Firefox/internet help

    i seem to be having a problem in firefox, everytime i search for something in google i get the list of sites but when i click one of the links i seem to get sent somewhere bogus now is this some kind of virus or spyware s**t? as i don't seem to be able to find it using virgin pcguard
  5. Dink

    just moved from virgin media to sky

    so there is a device in an lcd that bulks up the 1080i picture to give a 1080p signal to the screen?
  6. Dink

    Best bulbs for 1*2

    i've got osram nightbreakers in my polo nice lamp give off a very white light for a filament lamp
  7. Dink

    just moved from virgin media to sky

    i always thought 1080i is only really 540p as it only updates every other line when it refreshes a frame
  8. Dink

    Microsoft XBOX 360 Repairs?

    super elite i hope
  9. Dink

    Clio Sport 200 - The definitive iPOD / USB Thread

    have you tried a usb stick with mp3's but put in to folders called cd01 cd02 etc... like you have to on connects 2 kit?
  10. Dink

    Whats wrong with my TV! Video!!

    lol since watching that video my tv has started clicking like it's just been switched on
  11. Dink

    8000rpm 197

    just thought it would of been higher. or do they have a 6 speed box?
  12. Dink

    8000rpm 197

    so it revs to 8k but still only does 92 in 3rd
  13. Dink

    South central - Regal Autosport Rolling Rd day NOV

    the exhaust gas has alot of water in it aswell i think it was just a build up
  14. Dink

    360 To Get BBC IPlayer?... Or Maybe Not!.

    i get iplayer through virgin so i won't use it but if they do add iplayer it should be avaliable to everyone
  15. Dink

    South central - Regal Autosport Rolling Rd day NOV

    was a good day i'd say those rollers were over reading by a good 10%
  16. Dink

    LED Bulbs

    the ones at the top might be ok as they are using higher flux leds
  17. Dink

    AUDIO EXPERTS!! help.

    bad earth at the amps or headunit or possibly dodgy rca's as for power down one side and rca's i think it's a load of b****cks if you ask me
  18. Dink

    ideal rms for a surround sound?

    i'd say 300wRMS would be a good figure to aim for to be the minimum the sub will take a lot of the power
  19. Dink

    Microsoft XBOX 360 Repairs?

    8 day days for ms to fix my elite and fit a new dvd drive (looks like it was never opened) it came back in a box that it could never have got damaged in imho i think currys has had ago at fixing it
  20. Dink

    Fallout MMOG on the way?

    what is this??
  21. Dink

    Head unit removal - can't get it out

    proper release keys but see if you can get them from a local motor factors rather than halfords
  22. Dink

    XBOX or PS3

    lol i waited 8 days for my xbox to come back so don't know where you got 3 weeks from;)
  23. Dink

    CS Forza 3 pics thread

    this is my only photo lol
  24. Dink

    Rolling Road Day @ PowerStation

    come on guppy spill the beans see if i need a k04 for the next meet :cool:
  25. Dink

    Quick Question: Changing Sub Boxes

    the size will more than likely be measured in cu.ft (the internal volume) i wouldn't go much smaller than about 0.7cu.ft
  26. Dink

    Is This..

    yeah i paid 250 for my super elite so i'd say it was a good deal
  27. Dink

    Quick Question: Changing Sub Boxes

    should give it a tighter sound but won't be quite as loud but you can normally shove a bit more power up it as the smaller box offers more control
  28. Dink

    XBOX or PS3

    three thats some good going lol there has got to be a reason why you replaced the first 2 that broke?;)
  29. Dink

    Amplifier Gain

    tbh older alpine hu's used to use 4v preout but new ones are 2v iirc