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i had same problem. i changed my battery and still does it. i had bad wiring on my rear lights which could have caused the problem, sorted that out and still resets when cold. I have given up!
Now i like this! I don't think the v6 photos that well. However everytime i see one in real i am amazed on how good it looks and it's presence. Would love to own one but don't think i will due to price.
Megs apc or AG engine machine cleaner. Scrub and wipe all you can. And then dress the black bits with AG bumper care and use AG rubber care for rubber bits.
I wouldnt charge anything. Ask for a few drinks on a night out or something. He might even give you 10/20 quid anyway. I give my gf's dads car a good once over with various products every so often and never ask for money but he still tends to give me 20 30 quid
I had this problem. My alarm went off every 20 minutes all night to which i had no idea as i cant really hear it from my house unless i really concentrate. Had a note on my windscreen telling me it went off all night (which i felt quite guilty lol).
Found out the problem. It was my inside...